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Beiträge von DDiSoEsT

  1. I got 3 cards of 570s, a single msi 570 x gaming (hynix) which currnetly gives me 28.5mhs and 860 decr, when dual mining, with only a modded bios.. The two msi 570 armor (elpida) versions) both have the same 1000mv undervolt bios installed and no afterburner configuration or anything else. One giving me 24,3 eht and 710 dec, the other only 21,0 eth and 630 dec. Latest blockchain drivers (17.30 or sth.) Win 10 64-Bit Awesomeminer using Claymores Dualminer. Any guesses whats wrong there? Maybe bad timings in modded bios? Cause at Stock at the 24ish card i get 16ish and at the 21ish card i got stock 21 aswell... Sorrey för ma badd Inglisch Btw on cryptonight all cards reach between 730 and 790 h/s, at 370 W which is more than whattomine.com says, so i thing thats actually good, but eth with these 3 only 73 instead of 84???! Please help me :( Ps.: My afterburner Version 4.4.0 doesnt let me change voltages, even if i activate it in the settings menu. Also if i change memory speeds, i see no improvement of hasrates..

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