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Beiträge von Daltonmans

  1. The director of that company is Rosaline Ballesio, 
    her husband is the owner of btcmt4 and is also involved in scams 
    with pingpipe.com, crytomt4, and many other companies. 
    This woman has also been reported on several occasions with 
    her husband Philippe Ballesio for money laundering and falsification 
    of documents when trying to blame other businesspeople for their thefts, 
    among them: Philippe Ravon, Fernando Martínez and Jean Paul Monique. 
    The warning is to be careful, do not trust these people, 
    these companies, or anything related to them. The way to operate each fraud is: 
    Offering trading systems, the person deposits the money in the bank 
    account of Philippe Ballesio and then the person is removed 
    from the system or the system stops working, the messages stop 
    responding, and they end up separating completely from the situation, 
    this is how they start the scams to innocent people. Alert!
    • Thanks 1
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