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Beiträge von Joseph87

  1. Hi I am new in forum and new Bitcoin.de user also. I hope I can get some help from here or find connect with Fidor bank support because they don't answer anymore my emails.


    Situation is that I have something between 50 000€-60 000€ in my Fidor.de account money what I got when sold coins in Bitcoin.de. all working couple months good with Bitcoin.de and Fidor bank but then last month 29 I think to buy coins and reload money to bitcoin.de from fidor bank. But I don't receive mTan txt messages.

    I was contact to my sim operator and they open technical report and investigate case and looked have there come any text messages with that time stamps what I give them and what I tried ~50 times log in. After investigate they say that is clear there doesnot coming any messages to my operator/number in given times or even hours time frame. Overall number working fine and is connected to operator and this my operator confirm also and yes I can receive txt messages and calls from everywhere else than from Fidor bank.. 


    Fidor.de bank answerr was very clear 

    Dear Mr. Xxx
    we cannot help you in this case.

    The Mtans were correctly sent by our provider.


    So anyone have any iidea what I can do? Fidor bank have steal my 50 000€ and they don't answer anymore my emails what I have send many. For me it's clear problem is in Fidor, or their mTan provider after my operator investigate case. 






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