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Good reason for cancel: möchte mehr btc kaufen?


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Bitte sagen Sie mir was Sie denken über diese Mitteilung:


> Cancellation request

> Reason: möchte mehr btc kaufen


Gestern habe ich 0.367 BTC für 100.01 Euro verkaufen am 12:44, Der Käufer hat Bezahlung verifiziert 12:44.

Am abend willst er das Kauf stornieren: "möchte mehr btc kaufen ".


Was denken sie sollte ich tun, warte für Geld, antworte "Ja das macht nichts...", and dem Bitcoin.de anmelden, antworte "So ist das Leben" ?


:: (.. and the message in English, my German is a bit clumsy:-) ::


Would you please tell me what you think about this kind of message;

> Cancellation request

> Reason: möchte mehr btc kaufen


I put an offer at about noon yesterday, this guy from Austria bought it and during the same minute (according to the stamps) confirmed he has initiated the bank transfer. At 17:53 he reauested for cancellation, explaining "would like to buy more BTC" [my translation].


What do you think I should do, wait for the money, reply "Oh, that's OK", inform the Bitcoin.de, reply "C'mon, get a real life"?

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If you are curious about what happen, I accepted this cancellation request. I just wonder if I was 'too nice' since I rated the case as 'neutral'.

Yet, I made money, the rate I sold the amount again a few hours later was much better.


Now, I am about to accept the next cancellation request, I already sold the same amount for a few bucks more.

This time the excuse was "Überweisungslimit", which I greatly doubt, amount was 52.73 euros only!

Anyway, I think it is time to accept the cancellation request ang give negative feedback.

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