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How long do you have to wait for response?


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My account got stuck in "only-in" and when I asked why I got response via email in few hours, and they asked me for documments for verification which I provided.

and its been almost 5 days with no response from support, team I followed up with another email, yet again no response.

This is supper annoying, I'm fine with not being able to withdraw funds while in this mode, but I'm not okay with not being able to Trade!

With btc price changing all the time I think support responses need to be faster, for exmaple in july it was $13000 now its $10000, you see where im at?
I'm losing money. Bitcoin.de support step your game up

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vor 4 Minuten schrieb Christoph Bergmann:

Sorry for the delay. The support team has to validate your case. Please be patient.

Yes but how long does that usually last, like weeks, months,years? how long does it take to validate the case, shouldn't be hard.

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I'm sorry for the vague answer. As I don't know your case, I have no insight into it. Usually in-only is settled very fast (two or three days), but I have seen cases in which it needed one or two weeks. If you write me a pm with your username on bitcoin.de and your e-mail-adress, I can ask the support directly.

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Einfache Anfragen werden schnell beantwortet.

Ich war schon häufiger im InOnly-Modus. Eine Kontaktanfrage und am nächsten Werktag war das erledigt.

Wenn längere Zeit keine Antwort kommt, kann es sein, dass der Account Teil polizeilicher Ermittlungen ist.

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