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BREAKING: Evidence That Transaction Malleability Did Not Bankrupt Mt. Gox


However, while MtGox claimed to have lost 850,000 bitcoins due to malleability attacks, we merely observed a total of 302,000 bitcoins ever being involved in malleability attacks. Of these, only 1,811 bitcoins were in attacks before MtGox stopped users from withdrawing bitcoins. Even more, 78.64% of these attacks were ineffective. As such, barely 386 bitcoins could have been stolen using malleability attacks from MtGox or from other businesses. Even if all of these attacks were targeted against MtGox, MtGox needs to explain the whereabouts of 849,600 bitcoins.


Ja,ja,die Ausreden von Mt.Gox werden sichtbar.

Im übrigen sieht man erneut, dass BTC keineswegs anonym sind . Smarte Forscher können schon einiges aufdecken. Ob das Ben Lawsky in NY weiß ?

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Andreas Antonopoulos on the IRS Tax Ruling



IRS: Answers to tax questions about Bitcoin





IRS: Bitcoin is not currency


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China Rumored to be Shutting Down Bitcoin Sites; Why IRS Ruling that Bitcoin is Property is Fatal to Its Use in Commerce in the US


Bitcoin enthusiasts seem not to have grasped the implications of the IRS notice in the US on the status of Bitcoin.
While Bitcoin may be viable as a speculative vehicle, this ruling will make it impractical to use it in commerce.


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Consequences of Bitcoin Classified as Property

The guidance issued provides much needed clarity but is a big speed bump in the nascent crypto currency’s quest to become mainstream. But in the future, as bitcoin’s use becomes more widely accepted, the government may reconsider



The bad news is that the IRS ruling is an obstacle to bitcoin’s growth as a currency. Complying with the IRS now means a lot of paperwork keeping track of all of a person’s transactions, even common everyday purchases (though I’m sure someone will eventually develop an app for this). Then for each transaction, a person has to figure out what the value of the bitcoin used when first acquired and subtract it from that day’s value of that bitcoin, can keep track of the capital gains or losses for the person’s individual tax return.


The IRS made this ruling because it has the legal authority to do so. But rules are not laws and therefore can be changed as circumstances dictate and as long as they do not contradict the law. Wider acceptance of bitcoin, in spite of this speed bump, is one such circumstance that may force the IRS to reconsider its guidance

.Ich habe einen US Steuer Anwalt, der auf reddit einen Artikel dazu geschrieben hat, um folgendes  gebeten:

Hi dblcross121, as a foreigner I ask you:Is this a final decision?Could it be revised?What are the chances and the conditions for Revision? Thanks


Ich werde berichten.

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Bitcoin Exchange Guide



Colorado Company Opens Personal Use Marijuana Sales to Entire USA- Sells $250,000 of Pot in 5 Days



das könnten wir bei den Preisen auch gut gebrauchen

macht so schön gleichgültig

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34% of Britons believe that bitcoin is the “currency of the future” -
See more at: http://www.pfhub.com/34-of-britons-believe-that-bitcoin-is-the-currency-of-the-future-465/#sthash.MKBiexZE.dpuf
An was die alles glauben, die Briten

one-third (34 percent) of Britons believe that bitcoin is the “currency of the future” and another one-third say it’ll be a “stable currency that will retain its value.”



- See more at: http://www.pfhub.com/34-of-britons-believe-that-bitcoin-is-the-currency-of-the-future-465/#sthash.MKBiexZE.dpuf

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In Deutschland kann man froh sein, wenn 15% überhaupt schon mal was von Bitcoin gehört hat... ;-)

:-) :-) :-) habe vorgestern mit jemandem geredet, der vorgab systemadmin von einem Krankenhaus gewesen zu sein.

Ich fragte ihn was er von Bitcoin hält.

Kannte er nicht:-)

Was das sein soll sagte ich "cryptocurrency"

Der wusste nichts mit anzufangen.

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In Deutschland kann man froh sein, wenn 15% überhaupt schon mal was von Bitcoin gehört hat... ;-)


15% haha. 1,5% vielleicht. Wir lesen die ganzen Artikel in der Zeitung und sehen die Fernsehberichte. Die breite Masse blättert da einfach drüber weg. Das interessier manche soviel wie eine Meldung "Chinese erfindet kippsicheren Reissack"

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Edmund C. Moy Writes About The Recent IRS Taxation of Bitcoin


Moy writes that the bad side to the IRS ruling is: it has created trouble for Bitcoin to grow as a digital currency. This is because quite a lot of paperwork will be required in order to keep track of each transaction, and one must figure out what Bitcoin’s value was when it was acquired,

“And subtract it from that day’s value of that bitcoin, can keep track of the capital gains or losses for the person’s individual tax return.”

This basically means that Bitcoin users in America will have to do a lot of paper work in order to keep in line with their taxes. In addition to all of this paperwork, Moy says,

“Bitcoin users will have to report to the IRS any transaction value above $600, and every instance where it is used for rent, salaries, wages, premiums, annuities, and compensation.”


Bearbeitet von segeln
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Den letzten Absatz find ich viel interessanter:


Moy writes that the IRS was able to make this ruling because it has the authority to do so. However, these rules are not laws which mean that they can be changed if the circumstance allows it, and as long as the rules do not go against the Law. Concluding his blogpost, Edmund C. Moy writes that if more people accept Bitcoin, it may “force the IRS to reconsider its guidance.”

Denn genau so seh ich das auch, ich denke bei der Einstufung des Bitcoins bei Finanzbehörden wird sich noch einiges ändern. Das ist erst der Anfang, auch in Deutschland.

Bearbeitet von blubblibla
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The US Government’s personal vendetta Against Bitcoin Is too much. The cash and employments will go to Asia and Europe.


Yesterday’s IRS decision was a crime for Bitcoin.
Such a confused decision might have reduced, if not murdered out and out, the 90s tech blast in the United States.


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US-amerikanische bitcoiner, denen die Bedrohung durch die IRS Entscheidung bewusst ist, formieren sich und starten eine Petition. Unterschreiben können nur US Bürger

AMEND IRS NOTICE 2014-2Taxing virtual currency/bitcoin as property stifles new technology&creates untenable requirements


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Das hört sich wirklich sehr vielversprechend an.

Ich habe das Gefühl, dass gerade sehr viel hinter den Kulissen passiert und die Situation deutlich besser ist, als die aktuellen Meldungen vermuten lassen. Bin extrem gespannt, was bis Ende des Jahres noch an Innovationen auf den Markt kommt.

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