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Hello, I am having troubles withdrawing my funds from my bitcoin.de account. I have messaged support several times for many days and they asked for my ID and I provided it. They called me and I answered the phone up till now, my account has not been set back as Active. Kindly assist, is there a number to call or how do I solve this problem please. @Christoph Bergmann please help me. 🙏

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Why the second thread?? Starting a second stream without closing the first one does not lead to faster results..

That being said.. What did the support tell you? They asked for ID (nothing else?), you provided that? How long ago? Maybe they need some time for verification.

Did you submit another ticket every other day or did you continue with the existing stream?

Apart from that, there can be multiple reasons for a delay, I guess. Maybe they have to check further because of.. I don't know. Running investigations, sanctions, .. 

Bearbeitet von fox42
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Thank you for writing back, I apologise for the second thread. Yes, they asked for my ID which I sent them last week Wednesday. Since then, I only got a call yesterday. The man said I should log into my account while i was speaking on the phone with him, when I was trying to get the OTP from my phone and also talking to him, the OTPs got expired before I could use them, and he just ended the call. Since then, I have heard nothing, I have been trying to send messages on the first ticket but also opened another ticket this morning and also sent another message directly to the email address. Is there a number they can be reached on? Its fraustrating as I have coins in the wallet that keep dropping by the day. Please help

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vor 2 Stunden schrieb marlis.wolf:

Its fraustrating as I have coins in the wallet that keep dropping by the day.

*keep gaining by the day


vor 2 Stunden schrieb marlis.wolf:

trying to get the OTP from my phone and also talking to him, the OTPs got expired before I could use them, and he just ended the call.

Sounds weird to me.. hopefully, you did not give the OTP through the phone. But in total, it has been 4 business days. About a day since the last interaction. That's actually not bad. If there is no todo for you, contact them once via the existing ticket or email and then wait a couple of days before getting worried.

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I asked the support about the selling option and now, they are threatening to deactivate my account. Definitely, they want to intentionally take my funds. This is crazy. Now I cannot even try to sell or do anything on the account. @Christoph Bergmann @fox42. Is there no way to contact someone at bitcoin.de directly please? This is poor service. The below message is what I see on my account when I login:

For technical reasons, your account has been partially deactivated. Please contact the support.  (Contacted support more than 50 times, still no response.)

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