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bitcoin.de - problems validating bank account

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Hi there,


i am trying to activate my bank account through bitcoin.de - i have received the small transaction to verify my bank account but i can not find the 8 digit verification code attached to the transaction anywhere.


Could someone point me in the right direction to locate it?


thanks in advance



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It should be in the reference of the transaction I guess.

If you can't see it, maybe your bank does not display it?

So you should ask your bank, where you can see the reference of the transaction.

Edited by Serpens66
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danke - genau das wollte ich grad auch schreiben - zb ist manchmal ne überweisung im online-banking kastriert und erst auf dem kontoauszug ausführlicher und notfalls muss man die bank kontaktieren um die kompletten details bzgl einer transaktion zu erfahren

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