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Usi Tech bitcoin pakete


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Hallo Coinforum,


da ich zu dem Thema noch nichts im Forum gefunden habe stelle ich einfach mal meine Frage.

Wer von euch kennt die usi tech bitcoin pakete und nutzt diese? Ist das ganze eurer Meinung nach eine seriöse und sichere Sache? Weiß jemand von euch wie das steuerlich zu handhaben ist durch die täglichen Rückzahlungen? Schreibt doch bitte mal einen Erfahrungsbericht


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  • 2 Monate später...

So over the last 6 months, i have been intrigued by crypto currency, i began trading on IG, but i found that i recorded quite a lot of losses, but also if i held my equity in there i would have to pay huge holding fees. So i came across this platform that trades for you called USI-Tech for people that do not know what it is, this video explains it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uu86vms1hJM.

So 3 months on i started with 20 packages which is roughly about 800, currently i am sitting on 110 packs which is roughly around 4,400 worth. In the group for USI-Tech i see that people are making some serious cash out of it and in fact some millionaires. What do you think, if Bitcoin goes to 20,000 + as predicted it really could be life changing as with USI you earn 140% in 140 working days therefore you benefit for the appreciation of the Bitcoin but also the extra 140% plus each pack you receive an ice to their crypto currency which will at least trade at $10 per coin, i currently have 30 tokens . Is a win win right because if i am holding it i may as well make a little bit more on the side also, for anyone that wants to have a look https://r94usi.usitech-int.com

what does everyone think, should i sell now or wait and see how it does

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vor 3 Stunden schrieb roonie1:

have been intrigued by crypto currency, i began 

... allein diese paar Worte in Anführungszeichen bei Google eingegeben: Uih, ein Standardtext um Deppen anzuwerben.

Sei kein Depp, erkenn‘ den Nepp.

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