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Die Bankleitzahl (BLZ) passt nicht zur BLZ aus der IBAN

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Mein Deutsch ist nicht so gut!


So I have to switch to english. Hopefully google translate will help us.


I have entered valid details in the bank details form on the website, but I get the message in the title. I am using the what we call a "sort code " for the bank code on the site. It is exactly the one that appears in the IBAN. I'm not sure what I should use in this field for an Irish bank account.

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IBAN codes are different for Germany and Ireland:

Taken from http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Bank_Account_Number:


Deutschland 22 DEpp bbbb bbbb kkkk kkkk kk

Irland 22 IEpp bbbb ssss sskk kkkk kk


AD, BE, ... Länderkennzeichen (two letter country code)

pp zweistellige Prüfsumme (check sum)

b Stelle der Bankleitzahl (bank identification code)

k Stelle der Kontonummer (account number)

s Stelle der Filialnummer (Branch Code / code guichet)


Hope this helps. Your bank should be able to tell you your IBAN code, just ask them.

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