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List of sites giving free BTC / Liste der Websites mit kostenlose BTC


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Hello, hello,

first of all i would like to apologize, but i dont know german language that good to write a whole post.


There are quite many sites with free BTC, but most of them require at least a lot of patience. I have made this list of the "most profitable" among above hundred which i have already checked. Those probably won't be best for someone, but they surely are more profitable than 10 satoshi per hour or similar. Those sites are just the my best suggestions, which are good for both starters with BTC and some more experienced players, who would like to earn just a bit more.


The first part of the list have the better sites in my opinion, but the second part is also good.

Once again, sorry that this list is in english and here is the list:


http://www.qoinpro.com/ - pretty new site, after registering you get 250 satoshi and some LTC and Feathercoins and on each day you get small amounts of those coins for simply for having account registered, no logging or captcha required, more for each ref, that site features 5 cryptocurrencies and is planned to get more, today the available currencies are BTC, LTC, FTC, TIPS, IFC

http://freebitco.in/ - lottery, guaranteed 225 satoshi every hour with 1,15% chance for 2250 or more, pay out every monday after 5460

http://btcclicks.com/ - watching adds for 39 to 130+ satoshi per add, pay out after 10000, for first day i got over 1300, so thats quite nice, one of the better i dare to say

http://bittoclick.com/ - similar to btcclicks, over 5000 per day, but quite a lot is required to pay out

http://www.bitcoinget.com/ - similar as well + watching movies on youtube (1-5 minutes), some are paid 6000, pay out after 6000, there was a day i got 37200

http://freebitcoinz.com/ - 1000 for captcha and second 1000 for captcha after clicking on "extra", so 2000 per day, pay out on saturdays after 100000

http://www.bitcoinclix.com/ - another site with ads, most of them give 70 satoshi, but there are couple more profitable, around 2500 satoshi each day


http://coinworker.com/ - 0,5-5 points for checking articles authors, watching ad on youtube etc, pay out after 180 points, exchange rate variable, at the moment 10pkt =0,000162 BTC

http://btcflow.net/ - 100 to 500 satoshi once per day, pay out after 15930

http://visitbit.com/ - 30 to 200 satoshi for captcha after watching couple seconds ad, goes to microwallet, new ads more or less every 3-4 hours

http://mmoclub.com/faucet/ - once per hour 1 do 500 satoshi, 150 on average, pay out after 10000

http://dailybitcoins.org/index.php - once per hour 50 satoshi, but if you refresh alot you can get 500, 1000, 3000, 5000, 10000 or even 100000, ofc chances are dropping, but after 2-3 minutes of refreshing you can easily get 500, pay out after 5500

http://bitcointap.com/ - faucet, once per day 400-2000 satoshi to microwalleta

http://www.bitvisitor.com/ - once every 5 minutes more or less 100 satoshi after rewriting captcha, payout after 10000

http://www.freebitcoinlottery.com/ - lottery, pick 6 out of 49 numbers, 5 times per hour, for one correct number guessed 2 satoshi, for two - 10, for three - 75, for four - 1000, for five - 5000, for six - 500000, all gains are sent to coinbox and from there you get paid after 5500

http://www.freebitcoins.me/index.php - 60 satoshi every 30 minutes for captcha, sent to coinbox

http://www.elbitcoingratis.es/index.php - 60 satoshi every 30 minutes for captcha, sent to coinbox

http://www.canhasbitcoin.com/index.php - 60 satoshi every 30 minutes for captcha, sent to coinbox

http://bitcoiner.net/ - once per day 200-500 satoshi, amount changes every hour, each consecutive day increases multiplier from 1 by 0,05 till 2 max, so after 20 days, with multiplier of 2 you get twice the amount won, you can but dont have to be paid after 13000, which resets the multiplier or you can keep going with your multiplier, missing one day also resets that bonus

http://www.gratisbitco.in/ - 10, 30 or 100 satoshi per hour + chance to double the amount you have for gamblers

http://freebitcoinwin.com/ - clone of http://freebitco.in/, however worse one


There is also a browser strategy game, which allows you to build a gold mine and dig up some gold, which can later be sold for 6,5 euros. However i don't know how fast you can earn gold there, because you can build the mine after 10 days of playing or so. But if you would want to try then here's the link - www.goldentowns.com/


I have also found site where you can invest your coins - http://ro-invest.com/ and risked trying it. Minimum investment is an equivalent of 10$ so around 0,0175 BTC and i have sent that amount. The income is 5% per day, minimum withdrowal amount is 1$. It is very probably that this site is simply financial pyramid, but sites like that live for about half year, and this one has been up just for 10 days. I have withdrawn money each day and that was above 23$ already in amounts of around 1, 3, 3, 5 and 11 $.

If you would be interested and decided to risk, then the investments can be made in over 40 crypto currencies, by paypal and by some more services. Transaction cost for BTC are around 0,0001 BTC.


If you worry about the safety of any of those sites, none of them requires phone number, adress or downloading any clients.


Good luck in earning some BTC :)

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