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Beiträge von chris88

  1. Hallo,

    Ich habe soben bei Hashflare registriert und eingekauft. Die Email bekommen für die Banküberweisung. Da stehen nun mehrere Bankdaten wohin bezahlt werden soll. Mir ist nun unklar wohin ich überweisen soll. Kann mir da einer weiterhelfen. Bin aus Österreich. Hab das in der Mail stehen:


    NB! EUR payments are preferred since they are accepted faster by our bank. EUR / USD exchange rate can be checked here (http://www.eestipank.ee/en/exchange-rates) 
    Transfers with incorrect/missing details may be rejected by our bank.

    Please send the wire transfer with the following details:

    Beneficiary: HashCoins LP

    Beneficiary EUR IBAN: LV08LAPB0000116050167
    Beneficiary USD IBAN: LV60LAPB0000116056506

    Beneficiary address:
    44/46 Morningside road, Suite 3
    Edinburgh, EH10 4BF
    United Kingdom

    Beneficiary bank: JSC Latvijas pasta banka
    Beneficiary bank BIC/SWIFT code: LAPBLV2X
    Beneficiary bank address:
    Brivibas street 54,
    Riga, LV-1011

    Payment description: HashFlare.io Invoice xxxxxxxx

    Correspondent bank accounts (if required):

    For USD transfers:
    Correspondent bank: USD JSC Bank of Georgia, Tbilisi
    Correspondent bank BIC/SWIFT code: BAGAGE22
    Correspondent bank IBAN: GE98BG0000000881562400
    For EUR transfers:
    Correspondent bank: Raiffeisen Bank International AG, Vienna
    Correspondent bank BIC/SWIFT code: RZBAATWW
    Correspondent bank IBAN: 001-55.089.239
    EUR / USD exchange rate can be checked here

    It is advised to contact your payment provider to check if a direct connection between your issuing bank and Latvias Pasta Banka can be established.

    If the order total sum is below 50 USD, a 10 USD commission fee is added to the invoice.

    Please provide a proof of payment to support@hashflare.io and allow up to 7 days for the transfer to go through.

    NB! Transfers with incorrect/missing details may be rejected by our bank.

    Habe dem Support schon vor ein paar Tagen geschrieben aber bis jetzt noch keine Antwort bekommen.



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