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Beiträge von Vicolechips

  1. Hallo leute,

    Entschuldigen Sie mich bitte für mein Deutsch, ich spreche leider nicht so viel Deutsch.

    Ich hoffe, dass ich mit diesem Beitrag kein Regeln breche. 

    Ich leider soll auf Englisch weitergehen.

    I am currently studying computer-engineering in "École nationale supérieure des mines de Nancy" and I am passionate about Blockchain since a while.

    I am now coming to the end of my studies (M2 next year) and I currently search an internship in the Blockchain-space this summer. Having heard that Berlin was a huge start-ups hub, it really motivated me to search there, since I know the city quite well already and would love to combine its great atmosphere with an interesting first professional experience in the crypto-field.  

    So here's the point : if anyone is willing to recrut an apprentice for the summer in Berlin, I'm your guy. Eager to learn on the field and motivated to get more info on crypto before my final year.  

    Btw, I don't especially need any salary, just a apprenticeship contract of course.

    If you're willing to learn more about me and what I'm able to do, please feel free to PM :D

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen,


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