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Beiträge von Borusse1900

  1. Hallo Leute ich hab da mal eine Frage.

    Wenn ich mich Anmelden will erscheint ;

    Window Sicherheit

    Sicherstellen,das Sie es sind

    Bitte melden Sie sich bei myetherwallt.com an.

    Die Anfrage stammt von Chrome,veröffentlicht von Google LLC

    Dieser Sicherheitsschlüssel sieht nicht bekannt aus.Bitte versuchen Sie einen anderen.

    Hatte Jemand von Euch das auch schon und kann mir helfen ?

  2. As communicated on Symbol Launch & Issues Update - 30/12/2020 60 it has been necessary to delay the Symbol launch, the 14th of January is not now achievable, the new launch will be in February and the exact date will be confirmed in the near future as investigations in ongoing Testnet issues conclude.

    Snapshot was set to the same day as launch and is currently 14th January 2021, it is necessary to make a decision if it should more of not, that is happening by PoI vote.

    Pre-launch Opt In was due to close on the 9th of January, it has been changed to be the same day as snapshot.

    The PoI vote is now live for the Snapshot decision.

    Unfortunately it has been necessary to shorten this vote from the normal 3 weeks due to the timescales involved and to ensure there is time to implement the decision correctly. If it were avoidable we would have run it for 3 weeks.

    I encourage everyone to get involved in the discussions that will happen, to vote and read and make your own decisions based on what you think the best outcome will be for Symbol and the community.

    In the past there has been confusion due to votes being binding/non-binding. For the avoidance of doubt, this vote is BINDING and NGL will implement in accordance with the decision, whatever that decision is

    Auf Februar verschoben!!!!😡

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