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Beiträge von infinitejones

  1. Hi there - sorry for the post in English, but I found this when trying to solve the same problem as you ("inappropriate ioctl etc") when following the same guide as you , and Google auto-translated it for me!

    I solved the problem by slightly adjusting the docker commands given in the guide we both followed. I don't know why the author of the guide didn't mention this, but the following worked for me, from the "Wallet" section onwards.

    Since we're running the Sia docker container using docker-compose, we need to use 'docker-compose exec' (not 'docker exec') to send the commands to the container - especially the "unlock" command, which requires us to enter the wallet password or seed. So the following work for me:

    docker-compose exec sia ./siac wallet init
    docker-compose exec sia ./siac wallet unlock
    docker-compose exec sia ./siac wallet address

    Note - since you've given the Sia service the name 'sia' in your docker-compose.yml file, you can just use 'sia' to reference the conainer in the 'docker-compose exec' commands, as I've done above. The environment variable with the container ID set by the author of the original guide isn't needed, because 'docker-compose exec' takes the service name as the argument to tell it which container to send the ./siac ... commands to .

    The reason this works is that the 'inappropriate ioctl' error is simply telling us that the container wants to capture some input (ie. The wallet password), but the Sia container does not provide a method for doing that. 'docker exec' alone does not set up a tty device for the container to capture terminal input, but 'docker-compose exec' does, so it enables you to enter the wallet password at the terminal and pass the password through to the container, to unlock the wallet.

    I hope this all makes sense and I hope it helps!

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