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Beiträge von Phrazor1234

  1. Hi !

    Being completely new to mining and wanting to take advantage of some excess power from multiple solar arrays for fun, I came up with the following setup:

    I would download an Ubuntu server with Geth a full node on it and then share it with the local lan so multiple PCS can mine here. Since there are a few with GPUS and some with CPUs, how exactly do I do this from start to finish?

    Unfortunately, I can only find individual contributions here, but exact Howtos are not really available. Which commands do I have to enter one after the other?

    Would also like to additionally secure the node with TOR. All without a Pool, only in Solo Mode :-)

    Since I'm also only slowly getting to grips with ubuntu, I'd be very grateful to you if it were written in a howto ;) I also know that CPU mining doesn't make sense, but since I have enough electricity anyway and lots of smaller pcs, that's also sausage; )

    I hope there isn't a lot of screaming why why why :)

    Thank you in advance!

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