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Beiträge von igorbastosib

  1. Hello all,

    After some heavy studies, I just started the mining process with Antminer S9_14.0T, I installed the Braiins OS, configured everything and it seems to be working properly.

    I'm concerned about the number of errors is showing on the LOG screen, it might not be anything, but since I'm a very newbie, I got worried about, could someone give me some tips about that?


    LOG bosminer: https://pastebin.com/qVZw19Vr

    LOG monitor: https://pastebin.com/VyrwnrM1

    LOG boser: https://pastebin.com/C18ybb6r

    LOG syslog: https://pastebin.com/efbQED8c

    LOG dmesg: https://pastebin.com/tELgEnuM


    Also, the temperature measurement often stop working and it seems something is reset on Braiins OS, then it gets to work again.


    Sorry if I shared some sensitive data, as I said, I'm a very newbie on this...
    I'd appreciate any help.

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