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  1. Your honesty and insight is much appreciated. And thank you for taking the time. The "risks" you say we are not aware of—though we are certainly aware of—are still based on your own (wrong) assumption of what we have built. We agree regarding the risks associated with centralised Beacon and Ethereum Nodes. That is part of the reason why we designed a new kind of system. The whitepaper does explain more and I would encourage you to read if you are interested. Never claimed to be open source—we are indeed a closed source project until now, with part of the project made public.
  2. In the years leading up to our R&D, we were a full-time enterprise development team using Microsoft's enterprise source code and agile development management system, Azure DevOps, formerly known as Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) or Team Foundation Server (TFS). We chose these systems because they were more suitable for the type and scale of projects at the time. A few months ago, we decided to try hosting our code on GitHub as well. Therefore, in recent months, you can see this part of the commit history. If anyone helps to modify and maintain this code, we will merge the excellent contributions and express our gratitude. To your point. The app is fully self custodial. Data is separated using Granule Protection, Instruction Set architecture and tools such as TrustZone. The email is only required for some basic app services such as profile and previously the chat function. We've since switched this to wallet-to-wallet communication protocol.
  3. Again, searching our 6 month old GitHub seems to be the limit of your technical insight and argument. We only started using GitHub recently. Perhaps you are not aware there are other Git compilers—both cloud based and otherwise. The assumptions you have made above are merely assumptions, made on your subjective sense that we are a scam or make 'unbelievable' claims. We are happy that you think it is not possible that the main work happens on end-user devices, not a centralised node. Or that we have sharding and ZK-EVM. We hope to spark some curiosity—and encourage you to read the technical whitepaper (it tells not all of our story, but at least some). Nonetheless the invitation is open to anyone that wants to test our chain, and ask evidence-based questions/conclusions. We will be releasing a developer SDK in the coming weeks.
  4. Thanks for responding. It seems there is a gap in understanding. We don't have beacon nodes. We don't need them. Much of what you claim is just speculation--I'm happy to clarify any confusing parts as I know it is hard to grasp what we have built (it is certainly not a copy of anything--that is plain wrong--but does include parts of several open-source projects as is common practice). To be direct, it isn't a good use of time to respond to false accusations. We have been in stealth mode for several years and only just starting to share information about the project--the purpose is to engage with curious tech experts and collect feedback, as well as invite open people to test or contribute to the code. We have no need for investment.
  5. Not sure exactly what you mean. It is simple for you to check the transaction fees and settlement speed (8 seconds). Far more efficient than Ethereum. No mainstream networks can produce blocks on mobile. How do you think we achieved that? UTXO compatibility is also not in Ethereum. Along with plenty of differences. You can check and offer your technical suggestion if you wish! Otherwise if you have made up your mind, no problem :). We are only looking for people curious about how we have done it. We have only put a small portion of our code base on GitHub.
  6. You can. For the other questions, as we have said there are similar modules—in order to be EVM compatible. You are welcome to test it to see that it is completely proprietary. Open-source encourages everyone to contribute. If you have ideas or suggestions (even dreams and fairy tales ) feel free to leave your code, we would be very grateful and welcome it. Actions speak louder than words.
  7. If it's compatible with Ethereum, then naturally some logic and processing methods need to be consistent. Being compatible with the Ethereum ecosystem is the choice of many chains. Take a look at the code for performance and transaction fees; it might offer more value and insights. The discussion starts with stateless blockchains, where each block's state data and its KZG proofs are constrained in the block header. You can obtain this from any mobile device (node), meaning there's no need for a centralised service to form a network and produce blocks. Ethereum also has bootnodes, and everyone uses boot nodes to enhance the overall network stability.
  8. The website explorer we use is an open source one—so not uncommon for projects to have the same design. Yes, to be clear, the storage nodes (I was confused by what you mean by 'archive' nodes) do have more significant system requirements. We also have what we call 'proposer' nodes that serve the function of bundling mempool transactions into blocks, for them to be validated by mobile phone nodes. Mobiles, in that sense, are effectively validators on the network. They broadcast transactions, verify the ZK proofs generated by proposers, and effectively add blocks to the chain. We deploy a new VRD-VRF consensus mechanism that is different from POS because nodes cannot simply stack currency to stand more chance of mining the next block. To be clear, our network currently uses sharding, layering and ZK technology. If you wish to view the TX volume on our explorer, you are welcome to run a test node and pump transactions. You will be able to clearly see the settlement time (8 second blocks roughly) and TPS. TPS increases linearly depending on the number of connected nodes.
  9. Not at all. Any EVM-compatible chain has a lot in common. We have used Rust and the Erigon staged-sync node architecture—along with a number of other modules/code libraries in our chain such as MDBX, BitMap etc. It is entirely proprietary. Ethereum does not include sharding technology (they recently dropped it from their roadmap funnily enough). Nor can it handle the transactions per second we do. We also support more address formats. As per the original message, if you wish to run a test node to see it in action we'd be happy to provide a faucet. The chain is also live—so yes, mainnet currency would be required if you wish to do that.
  10. 1. none have been pre-mined. the first block was mined around 25 May 2023 when mainnet internal test went live with 1 mobile node. in addition to those coins which are mined, there was a TGE for the rest. Most are still held by our foundation but almost all of those are intended for public sale (since you need amt to become a miner, a stake, the tge is necessary). 2. 200m total. half are mined (100m) over 128 years. 3. You can check volume on CMC but the answer is that most of the 100m is not distributed yet. For the AMT which we are selling on BitMart, most people who bought usually go on to mine (which then locks it up again). i.e. though the coins are 'available' (intended for public sale) they may not be in the wild. 4. In general 12.5m for first 4 years. Halves after that every 4 years 5. For the first year, just over 8 million for community mining. And 4 for commercial mining. 6. As per above.
  11. You can check the token on CoinMarketCap — it’s growing nicely as we acquire miners. But the difference between us and free mining projects is quality of product, products coming, we are a complete layer1 so essentially buying into a total ecosystem before dapps build. . happy to connect with product and ops team in discord
  12. Not at all - I should’ve been clearer. you can always run testnet in the app to try it out before you make a decision to lock tokens to run a node. testnet will remain open for that reason.
  13. What makes our chain different is that it incorporates technology that most other chains don’t, like ZK-EVM, sharding and layering. It offers more transactions per second than almost any other Layer 1 or even Layer 2 blockchain. And it offers better security (longer, yet efficient, encryption), since it is far more decentralized. The consensus mechanism is also new—it is not proof of work or proof of stake, but rather a kind of ‘proof of activity’ that includes VRF and VDF algorithm. Lastly it is much more lightweight and energy efficient than other chains. That is the core— it is optimised enough to run almost entirely on end user devices like phones and laptops. People can run a node, validate transactions, generate blocks—and get crypto (‘mining’) for doing it.
  14. Hi Skunk, We just finished our testnet after nearly 12 months of testing. The battery power required is only 1-2% per day with a few options to stake AMT price $7.8 Option 1: 50 AMT stake Option 2: 100 AMT stake Option 3: 500 AMT stake The testnet is still useable where we can send the testnet tokens via faucet if you would like to test it.
  15. Hallo zusammen, Neu hier! Ich bin Matt von AmazeWallet. Wir haben in den letzten sechs Jahren eine neue Blockchain aufgebaut, die auf Mobilgeräten läuft, und suchen Leute, die die App testen und ein früher Miner werden. Wären Sie interessiert? Hier ist unser Ketten-Whitepaper. Es ist EVM-kompatibel und nutzt ZK, Sharding, Layering und einen neuen VRF-VDF-Konsensmechanismus, um über 300.000 TPS zu liefern (ja, wirklich). Wir haben es so konzipiert, dass es auf Endbenutzergeräten läuft, wo Ihr Mobiltelefon senden, verifizieren und Blöcke generieren kann! Wir glauben, dass Smartphones der Schlüssel zur Masseneinführung von Blockchain sind und viele Skalierbarkeitsprobleme überwinden können – wir alle haben 5G-fähige Quad-Core-Prozessoren in unserer Tasche … Wir haben unsere App gerade auf iOS und Android gestartet und sind auf der Suche nach ersten Testern, die sie ausprobieren und uns Ihr Feedback mitteilen möchten. Hier ist das App-Whitepaper. Die Kette und die Landeswährung sind bereits gelistet und wir führen Gespräche mit mehreren weiteren Börsen. Hier ist ein Link zu unserer website, um mehr zu erfahren. Danke, Matt
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