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Beiträge von Schotter

  1. ja klar, es gibt 3 pandacoins

    zuerst einmal das Original https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=399127.0 (PAND)

    dann hat Wolong eine pregeminte Pump and Dump coin veröffentlicht https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=460037.0'>https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=460037.0 (PANDA)

    und schließlich auch noch einige die schon seit längerem Probleme mit Wolong"s Verhalten haben https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=460037.0 (PND)

    Bin gespannt wie viele noch kommen werden


    Wolongs Panda ist tot, da jemand bereits während der Premine Phase ausgecasht hat und sich nicht an Wolongs Regeln hielt.

    Dabei hat der Herr Wolong direkt den UNO, GLC, DEV mitgenommen....


    Waiting for the next Coin.....



    Aber mal im Ernst, es muss reguliert werden. Vor 2 Monaten noch ca. 100 Altcoins, mittlerweile 250 am Markt und euer Geld wird immer mehr zerfleddert.

    Die Großen Buben wissen schon wie sie es machen... LOL...



    Allerdings finde ich Protoshares schon recht interessant, verstehe das Prinzip aber noch nicht so ganz.

    Zudem lese ich noch was von Automatisierung des Systems!?






  2. Wolong ist bei UNO ausgestiegen. UNO wird nicht mehr so weit nach oben gehen wie er war.

    UNO war für Ihn interessant, wegen der geringen Anzahl an Coins.

    Dann gabs anscheinend Streit in der Pump Gruppe zu dem Panda Coin und Wolong hat ordentlich UNO ausgecasht.

    Fraglich ob er da nochmal einsteigen wird.

    Wolong hat auch DEV, GLC gepumped und gedumped.

    Ebenfalls war er massiv am Anstieg des DOGE beteiligt.


    !!!!!Die Altcoins werden massivst manipuliert!!!!!


    Look at this:








    Twitter: @GameofDeception und @Realwolong




    Greetz und Vorsicht bei den Altcoins!!!

    • Love it 1
  3. Wer gib uns die Garantie, dass die PDF nicht frei erfunden ist ?

    Außerdem wäre soetwas jederzeit wieder möglich, man braucht halt nur Leute die genügend BTC haben um es sich zu leisten, und am Ende mit Profit dastehen.


    Doge wurde von Wolong gepumped, dann ist er ausgestiegen und hat sich UNO, DEV, GLC vorgenommen. Als dann der 4. Coin dazukommen sollte (PANDA - keine Ahnung welcher der 3), gabs während der Miningphase Streit untereinander, weil jemand bereits sofort seine Coins gedumpt hat und der Herr Wolong war deswegen sauer. Als "Rache" hat er sofort alle seine UNO, DEV, GLC gedumpt und die Kurse einbrechen lassen. Welcher Coin jetzt als nächstes kommt, wüsste ich auch gerne, hatte mal was von DRK gelesen. Es gibt auf Twitter den @GameofDeception Account von Ihm, wo man einiges nachlesen kann, immer schön querklicken. Ebenso wurden bei Pastebin Chatlogs der privaten PnD Räume veröffentlicht. Ich finde diese ganzen Altcoins, bzw neuen Altcoins äusserst gefährlich, wenn man sich nicht eingekauft hat. Wofür brauchen wir 250 Altcoins? Schaut mal wieviele es im Nov./Dez. waren, ca. 100 wenn ich mich nicht irre. Denke auch, das es für den BTC nicht gut ist, wenn die Leute Ihre BTC´s in Altcoins umwandeln und von solchen Gruppen abgezockt werden. Dazu kommen immer mehr neue Börsen wie CoinsE, Poloniex etc. wo momentan die neuen Coins als erstes auftauchen und dann später auf Cryptsy landen. Dort erleben Sie noch einen kleinen Höhenflug und das war es. Alle guten Aaltcoins, wie z.B. NMC, PPC etc sind im Wert nur noch am verlieren, weil die Leute denken, mit nem neuen Altcoin machen se richtig Kohle. LOL



    Hier die Anleitung zum "Game of Deception"









    @Fontase - @Fontase_bter - @fontaspumps






















    Die letzten 13 sind schon äußerst interessant, wobei definitv nicht alle hier aufgeführten zu den Bösen gehören zu scheinen, einige sogar Early Adaptors sind. Empfehlen kann ich die News von Bryce Weiner, mal als Favorit aufnehmen und und euer Twitteraccount brennt. Zum Schluss noch nen Auszug aus den Chatlogs, so von Mitte Februar, bzw. letzte Woche....



    [14:49:48] <JacobUX_> but I will make sure he does understand the dediction

    [14:49:55] <JacobUX_> and the importance you guys are to the team

    [14:50:00] <sevoque> JacobUX_: ur missing the critical piece of info here, i dont care WHO wolong is or about his fan club, the moeny behind him or his promises of wealth etc. what ic are about is delivering a solid coin to the community and we are being prevented from doing that and that is it

    [14:50:12] <sevoque> its not viable

    [14:50:17] <sevoque> hes a massive liability

    [14:50:21] <sevoque> shooting off his mouth at people non stop

    [14:50:29] <sevoque> doesnt have a single answer for us about important stuff

    [14:50:33] <sevoque> that we NEED TO KNOW to progress the coin

    [14:50:35] <sevoque> so where does that laeve us?

    [14:50:43] <mxtm> the pastebin has 713 hits already

    [14:50:43] <JacobUX_> but

    [14:51:03] <JacobUX_> ok he lost his cool and dumped a lot of his shares

    [14:51:08] <JacobUX_> but he can also buy it all back

    [14:51:09] <mxtm> almost all of them

    [14:51:14] <sevoque> what difference that make to me?

    [14:51:17] <sevoque> he can do what he wants

    [14:51:21] <sevoque> hes been doing so all along anyway

    [14:51:28] <JacobUX_> right

    [14:51:35] <JacobUX_> im not sure what you want* form him

    [14:51:37] <mxtm> and he never gave ANY premine for any giveaways or anything

    [14:51:41] <sevoque> dude if uwant to bust ur balls doing dev work for the guy to take 250 btc and 1.5billion of your hard work then thats your decision

    [14:51:44] <sevoque> but its beyond the money

    [14:51:58] <mxtm> damn I feel like a cunty gold digger

    [14:52:04] <JacobUX_> no that is the thing, he pissed me off and he knows it

    [14:52:04] <mxtm> I still want money, dammmmn

    [14:52:09] <JacobUX_> so let's just wait and see

    [14:52:12] <JacobUX_> what he says

    [14:52:32] <sevoque> dude someone said it right before though, the coin is too volatile for anyone to wantt to mine it anymore and his excuse is that this was engineered

    [14:52:42] <sevoque> believe me, there is no way, with all his mighty power that he could engineer us being annoyed at him

    [14:52:46] <sevoque> hes just a retard with money

    [14:52:48] <mxtm> someone is kinda threatening to defame me now almost

    [14:52:55] <JacobUX_> :(

    [14:53:04] <JacobUX_> it's bad sevoque i agree 100%

    [14:53:04] <sevoque> and like i said

    [14:53:04] <mxtm> saying that they are going to tweet "mxtm was involves with this horrible scam coin that is fucking everything up"

    [14:53:10] <JacobUX_> but will you stick around for me guys?

    [14:53:10] <sevoque> he will bring all of our names in to disrepute as a result

    [14:53:15] <sevoque> dude i wills tick around for u i said i would

    [14:53:22] <sevoque> but im not going to be officially involved in any capacity

    [14:53:27] <JacobUX_> thats fine

    [14:53:30] <sevoque> because i cant in all good faith be involved when its affected everyone so negatively

    [14:53:33] <[-wolong-]> so i suppose

    [14:53:35] <[-wolong-]> im not needed here?

    [14:53:41] <JacobUX_> dude

    [14:53:43] <mxtm> no

    [14:53:44] <sevoque> lol

    [14:53:50] <JacobUX_> are you going to leave panda?

    [14:53:54] <mxtm> [-wolong-] we need to figure something out

    [14:53:55] <mxtm> right now

    [14:54:03] <sevoque> i want jacob and wolong to talk this out iunfront of us

    [14:54:05] <sevoque> and the rest of us shutup

    [14:54:08] <mxtm> and I do not feel like being defamed right now

    [14:54:10] -*- mxtm shuts up

    [14:54:12] <evoked> JacobUX_, how much has he paid you

    [14:54:15] <[-wolong-]> i just lost 2.5million usd because of this shit

    [14:54:23] <sevoque> you are delusional

    [14:54:24] <JacobUX_> how have you lost money?

    [14:54:26] <JacobUX_> you cashed out dude

    [14:54:29] <JacobUX_> I have lost the most

    [14:54:32] <JacobUX_> i can't do shit

    [14:54:35] <[-wolong-]> because i expected to cashout

    [14:54:36] <JacobUX_> and I did all the work

    [14:54:38] <evoked> how much have you lost

    [14:54:44] <[-wolong-]> when price is right

    [14:54:46] <sevoque> [-wolong-]: and we expected honesty and transparency

    [14:54:48] <[-wolong-]> and that would give me 2.5mil usd

    [14:54:58] <[-wolong-]> sevoque, exactly

    [14:55:04] <[-wolong-]> i was the first who provided

    [14:55:07] <[-wolong-]> wallet

    [14:55:09] <evoked> are you in denial mate

    [14:55:11] <mxtm> I was hoping for like $8000 but

    [14:55:12] <mxtm> whatever

    [14:55:13] <[-wolong-]> i also tweeted entire ipo list

    [14:55:14] <evoked> is your head feeling alright

    [14:55:17] <JacobUX_> guys

    [14:55:23] <sevoque> im gona be quiet and let him say his piece

    [14:55:29] <JacobUX_> wolong you cant fuck oever everyone here without destroying the coin

    [14:55:38] <JacobUX_> is what I am saying

    [14:55:39] <[-wolong-]> basically

    [14:55:40] <JacobUX_> *

    [14:55:44] <[-wolong-]> i asked for blockchain to be up

    [14:55:48] <[-wolong-]> before coin is release

    [14:55:50] <JacobUX_> dude kidding me?

    [14:55:52] <mxtm> ^

    [14:56:20] <JacobUX_> I'm not even mad

    [14:56:22] <[-wolong-]> and my letter stated clearly

    [14:56:26] <[-wolong-]> all devs to hold coins for 6months

    [14:56:27] <JacobUX_> I am shocked and awed disapointed

    [14:56:30] <[-wolong-]> people started questioning about

    [14:56:32] <[-wolong-]> where devs wallets are

    [14:56:36] <[-wolong-]> none of you even provided to update

    [14:56:39] <[-wolong-]> on the first thread

    [14:56:41] <mxtm> I did not get any letter

    [14:56:51] <sevoque> [-wolong-]: i pasted my wallet publicly with my 20m in with screenshot on btc talk thread

    [14:56:55] <sevoque> i have nothing to hide

    [14:56:55] <JacobUX_> wolong they can cash out if they want to

    [14:56:59] <sevoque> only you

    [14:57:02] <JacobUX_> their shares are not 100s of millions

    [14:57:09] <JacobUX_> you cashed out 50% of your 1.6 B

    [14:57:11] <mxtm> I only had 5m anyway, which is nothing to you

    [14:57:12] <[-wolong-]> sevoque, its not in the first page, how do you expect people to read through tonnes of threads?

    [14:57:14] <mxtm> STILL nothing to you

    [14:57:25] <sevoque> i dont mind repasting it, but uknow what, i was never asked to make my awllet public in the first place

    [14:57:31] <sevoque> so i did that as a matter of encouraging trnsparency

    [14:57:36] <[-wolong-]> see JacobUX_

    [14:57:37] <JacobUX_> wolong you shit on all of us, after we did too much work for you

    [14:57:37] <[-wolong-]> this is the part

    [14:57:42] <[-wolong-]> i wanted pandas to be above 250 satoshis

    [14:57:46] <[-wolong-]> near 500 satoshis

    [14:57:47] <mxtm> I gave up my week of vacation

    [14:57:48] <mxtm> for you

    [14:57:49] <[-wolong-]> all of your sell holders

    [14:57:53] <[-wolong-]> cause 2nd ipos to sell out

    [14:57:57] <[-wolong-]> don't push blame to first IPO

    [14:57:58] <[-wolong-]> reason is simple

    [14:58:00] <[-wolong-]> all first IPO

    [14:58:04] <[-wolong-]> ARE 100% Held by me

    [14:58:06] <[-wolong-]> that is why

    [14:58:09] <[-wolong-]> molly address wasn't out

    [14:58:09] <JacobUX_> but bro... even if my devs cashed out

    [14:58:11] <[-wolong-]> same goes to others

    [14:58:16] <JacobUX_> so what about molly and me

    [14:58:18] <JacobUX_> we lose again?

    [14:58:23] <JacobUX_> what is the end game

    [14:58:23] <[-wolong-]> no

    [14:58:33] <sevoque> [-wolong-]: jacob and artis did not tell any of us guys that we need to make our wallets public

    [14:58:41] <mxtm> I am getting spammed

    [14:58:42] <JacobUX_> yea dude

    [14:58:45] <mxtm> on IRC right now

    [14:58:46] <sevoque> the mention of public wallets was made by YOU

    [14:58:50] <mxtm> saying that your network is about to be taken down

    [14:58:51] <JacobUX_> they can cash out if they want to

    [14:58:52] <sevoque> to provide security to the community

    [14:58:53] <[-wolong-]> yes JacobUX_ why havent you done that?

    [14:58:56] <mxtm> and seriously yeah

    [14:59:18] <JacobUX_> because they can cash out their shares if they want it's not going to affect the market

    [14:59:18] <[-wolong-]> u see

    [14:59:22] <[-wolong-]> that's the part

    [14:59:22] <JacobUX_> you dumping is

    [14:59:29] <sevoque> [-wolong-]: please dont try and pass the blame to jacob, u are the one who is at fault here, u dont hafve any answers for eveyrone, your just trying to place blame on someone else because you're not motivated to build something for the community in any capacity

    [14:59:36] <sevoque> u have done ZERO work but expect everyting to be done for you

    [14:59:37] <[-wolong-]> i already told you i need full instructions to be follow if you want panda to be hot

    [14:59:42] <sevoque> the most you have done is distributed some coins

    [14:59:51] <[-wolong-]> 0 work?

    [14:59:54] <[-wolong-]> u want to ask mintpal

    [14:59:58] <[-wolong-]> how much support i done for them?

    [15:00:04] <[-wolong-]> so that chinese understands?

    [15:00:04] <sevoque> [-wolong-]: where is the support for us?

    [15:00:10] <JacobUX_> woah the mintpal thing is me though

    [15:00:13] <sevoque> for the guys who are doing the work day to day

    [15:00:13] <JacobUX_> I set you up with Jay

    [15:00:15] <JacobUX_> to begin with

    [15:00:17] <mxtm> fuck, I should have just taken my vacation

    [15:00:20] <mxtm> and not gotten involved

    [15:00:22] <[-wolong-]> well haven't i reply to forums as well?

    [15:00:30] <sevoque> with ridiculous posts

    [15:00:32] <sevoque> insulting people

    [15:00:35] <sevoque> how does that build confidence?

    [15:00:38] <sevoque> ur telling peoples kids to die

    [15:00:41] <sevoque> what the fuck is wrong with you?

    [15:00:42] <JacobUX_> bro wolong you got too caught up in #cryptomarkets

    [15:00:49] <JacobUX_> and not enough time focusing on the project

    [15:00:53] <mxtm> I wasted $130 on you

    [15:00:59] <mxtm> which is also a lot of money to me man

    [15:01:01] <JacobUX_> you have a psychotic club that is insane

    [15:01:06] <mxtm> I could have donated that to someone

    [15:01:11] <mxtm> or used it for something real

    [15:01:28] <sevoque> [-wolong-]: how u think u can go back to your group and tell them that this wall masterminded by you is a joke mate, you have made everyone unhappy and thats why we are walking. you add no value to the project, you are a leach

    [15:01:37] <sevoque> and the project would have succedeed to a much bigger extent without you

    [15:01:47] <sevoque> and guess what, now you have completely destroyed your name for everyone to see

    [15:01:55] <sevoque> so im glad you cashed out

    [15:02:00] <sevoque> because u wont be making any more money in crypto for a long time

    [15:03:09] <mxtm> now that I really think about that

    [15:03:13] <mxtm> I lost $130 for nothing

    [15:03:21] <mxtm> by following your instructions I only got MORE losses

    [15:03:22] <JacobUX_> I think #cryptomarkets got to his head and it's totally fucked everything

    [15:04:20] <mxtm> JacobUX_: he also sent 1 PANDA to me

    [15:04:28] <mxtm> which I will take as shitting on my head

    [15:04:29] <mxtm> lol

    [15:04:37] <evoked> JacobUX_, you should take responsibility from here if these were your soldiers that you brought on

    [15:04:37] <JacobUX_> you're joking :P

    [15:04:40] <sevoque> its gobsmacking

    [15:04:41] <[-wolong-]> so we let pandacoin ends then

    [15:04:52] <sevoque> i smacked my gob because of u

    [15:05:01] <JacobUX_> godamnit [-wolong-] this coin was the shit

    [15:05:07] <JacobUX_> why the fuck you panic sell

    [15:05:09] <sevoque> [-wolong-]: u know what, have enough respect for all the hard work eveyrone has done ... seemingly for you

    [15:05:10] <JacobUX_> like a noob

    [15:05:28] <mxtm> [-wolong-]: at least give up the fucking coins so we can try to pay back the people who lost thousands

    [15:05:33] <[-wolong-]> i did not panic sell

    [15:05:37] <mxtm> yes you did

    [15:05:40] <defrostr> pandacoin still has market cap, and miners, and trading volume. this can be fixed.

    [15:05:41] <[-wolong-]> i got real piss at pandawest

    [15:05:44] <add1ct3dd> where did the 600m from ur account go then

    [15:05:44] <[-wolong-]> ask him what he said to me

    [15:05:47] <JacobUX_> FUCK PANDAWEST

    [15:05:48] <sevoque> [-wolong-]: grow up man, this has nothing to do with pandawest

    [15:05:51] <JacobUX_> he is not me and artis

    [15:05:52] <mxtm> WHO CARES ABOUT PANDAWEST

    [15:05:53] <add1ct3dd> such lies

    [15:05:55] <mxtm> SERIOUSLY

    [15:05:57] <mxtm> HE IS ONE GUY

    [15:06:04] <JacobUX_> pandawest did the windows wallet

    [15:06:06] <[-wolong-]> fine im lying

    [15:06:09] <[-wolong-]> then there's no reason to talk

    [15:06:12] <-- [-wolong-] (GOD@unaffiliated/-wolong-/x-6530709) has left ##unobtanium-dev ("Leaving")

    [15:06:13] <mxtm> what




    Let's be honest, I don't give a fuck on everyone's position on UNO, DVC & GLC

    Why? Reason is simple. You failed to read and understand what is being shared on my book? How does a pump and dump works? There are progress in it, reallocation, capping prices and shakeouts. You ride on waves, and when you profit did I ever get a single cent or tip from you? NO.


    You were part of it riding the waves, you were greedy and did not cash out on highs, have I cashed out? No. I love shakeouts and if you think of me pumping up high just for you to cashout. _|_ this to you. You have no patience and you are not fit to be a trader. Please find yourself other traders, unfollow me and don't even bother about getting pump and dump infos.


    In a pump moving from 50 satoshis to 100 satoshis, do you really think someone with big market share and buying walls up get 100% return? Hell no. The truth is, we basically earn 10% of our entire capital. The reasons you are able to get good returns is, we did the hardwork, you ride on us. If you failed to ride and blame me for causing your losses, you can eat shit seriously. There are always risks involved in trading, this has been repeated by me many times, and on twitter, on IRC, I have clearly stated many times that if I were able to make 10% returns daily, I am richer than Warren Buffet. So blame on your losses and catching the highs, especially those who bought in at 0.04 for UNO when I had announced a shakeout. I infact told everyone that I am dumping out to cap prices at 0.035 but prices move back up and everyone tries to buy everything up, I called it greed. It has nothing to do with my pump and dump.


    On top of that, I could have just disappeared from the profits I have made, I do not even have to be bother about other losses on Panda. We are working hard on it on a reinstatement programme, your negative comments doesn't help at all. Feel free to drop in my suggestion box (Toilet Bowl). Everything I've done, people are being ungrateful and blame me for losses. If everyone wins, who are the one who take the losses? IT'S YOUR GREED! And I am being more than responsible to plan a reinstatement programme for those who losses, I could have just walk away to the bank and be laughing, why all this trouble? So if you want to post shit, go ahead, spread FUD go ahead. But I will remember what you did, and when the programme is out, don't ask me for refunds. I will say FUCK YOU.




    Und wer nen guten Altcoin kennt, immer her damit, bzw. wann machen die Deutschen ne Pump Factory auf??



    Steigt besser zu früh als zu spät aus und seit zufrieden damit...

    In diesem Sinne allen eine schöne Woche gewünscht....

    Greetz vom Mann ohne Schotter....

  4. BCX/BTC....wow







    - Schau auf Cryptsy nach Betacoin (BET/BTC) - P&D am 28./29.01. - innerhalb 10 Minuten vorbei

    - Schau auf Cryptsy nach Luckycoin (LKY/BTC) - P&D am 29./30.01. - innerhalb 10 MInuten vorbei

    - Schau auf Cryptsy nach Battlecoin (BCX/BTC) - P&D am 30./31.01. - innerhalb 10 MInuten vorbei



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    - @thecryptotrader

    - @BTCWhale


    1 Stunde Zeit zum lesen investieren!

    Mal alles querklicken, sehr interessant!


    Die Coins sind durch die Leute Prepumped und werden zu einer bestimmten Uhrzeit über Twitter und IRC bekanntgegeben.

    Es wird ein großer Pump versprochen, mit Profit für jeden und im Endeffekt cashen doch nur die Iniziatoren, bzw geschlossene Gruppe wieder aus.


    Neulinge, Unbekannte etc. lassen sich dadurch natürlich anlocken und verlieren.

    Spricht sich zum Glück gerade rum, das es SCAM ist.


    Schau mal auf Twitter:

    - @TechSolutionspl

    - @cryptochicken

    - @marcvanway


    - Facebook "Phil Knowles Beitrag in Cryptocurrency FB Trade Group"

    - Bitcointalk ist bestimmt auch was zu finden.



    Es gibt noch weitaus mehr, lief / läuft - heute / gestern ---- CNC / STR / ORB / DMD - alles auf Cryptsy


    Es kommen jeden Tag neue Altcoins dazu und wir wundern uns, warum der BTC nicht steigt!!!!


    Zum Schluß: Dogecoin wird bei Google mehr gesucht als Litecoin and watch out for Maxcoin (Max Keiser).



    Ersten Post beendet - Wild Wild West - Regulators are welcome

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