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Beiträge von Cryptoins

  1. Hello,

    I would like to present you Cryptoins - European Bitcoin Exchange.

    Now available in 16 languages (PL, EN, EE, SK, SI, LT, GR, SV, NL, IT, FI, RU, CZ, FR, ES, DE) !


    Cryptoins.com is located in UK Bitcoin Exchange.

    We operate in markets across Europe since 2014.

    As the first market we chose Poland where for six months of activity have trusted us over 1000 users


    We do not require registration or verification of personal data.

    Limit single transaction without verification is 300€, 300$, 200GBP, 1000PLN.

    There is no limit of transactions per day/month.

    We offer cheap and fast SEPA transfers.


    We also invite you to our affiliate program - earn 0.25% of the value of each transaction referred users.


    We are happy to answer any questions.


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