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TOKIA & IUNGO: Ultimate Partnership?!


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Servus zusammen,..

wie ihr im Titel schon lest geht es um TOKIA & IUNGO sowie die entstandene Partnerschaft der beiden. 

Da beide ICO‘s noch laufen wollte ich einfach mal in die Runde werfen wer schon von einem der beiden gehört hat bzw. wie eure Meinung darüber ist?!

Ich persönlich finde das beide recht vielversprechend aussehen zumindest laut Whitepaper klingt ich es ziemlich interessant. 

Hier nochmal die original Mail von Tokia zwecks der Partnerschaft: 

TOKIA & IUNGO: ultimate partnership for token storage and conversion

IUNGO & Tokia partnered to create a convenient and secure crypto exchange integration.

We have already announced about our exclusive partnership with Tokia - cryptocurrency exchange with many excellent features like secure storage and a debit card.

Since we are already started to develop our integrated solution, there is a good time to remind you that Tokia also runs their ICO. Supporting our partners that support us is a great idea and we are very pleased to give you more facts about this company.

Tokia is a blockchain technology company focused on cryptocurrency conversion, secure storage and spending. Any of the major cryptocurrencies can be purchased, exchanged or spent using Tokia platform. There is also a debit card on their plans which is about to get released shortly. 

The integration will enable much smoother purchase process of ING tokens as well as secure storage. Tokia wallet will be integrated in IUNGO platform providing the maximized user satisfaction when it comes to utilization of ING tokens. Buying, storing or exchanging them will become almost effortless.

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