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Kennt ihr schon Viberate (VIB) ?

"We are changing the music industry. Viberate is a crowdsourced live music ecosystem and a blockchain-based marketplace, where musicians are matched with booking agencies and event organizers. We're listing profiles of over 150,000 artists, 2,000 booking agencies, 60,000 venues and 500,000 events."

"Our vision is to revolutionize the way musicians are presented and booked as well as to open the world of live music to anyone who wants to participate in it by decentralizing discovery and booking processes with the use of the blockchain technology."

"Viberate is a platform that joins the entire live music ecosystem under one roof. Currently it acts as IMDB for live music, where profiles of musicians are ranked according to their online popularity. It is built and curated by the Viberate user community. Our end game is to disrupt the music industry as we know it by becoming the biggest global talent marketplace. Viberate’s database, community, holistic approach and marketplace features are the four elements that make its service unique and revolutionary."

Links: offizielle Webseite (Service)offizielle Webseite (Mission) - Whitepaper - @Bitcointalk - @CoinMarketCap - @Telegram - @Twitter - @Facebook

VIB kaufen: Binance (BTC) - Binance (ETH) - Bittrex (BTC) - Bittrex (ETH) - CoinMarketCap » Markets


Steht aktuell bei knapp 0,50 USD. Habe mir mal ein paar Coins zum Spaß gekauft. :D Finde das Konzept interessant. Mal sehen, was die Zukunft bringt. B)

Was meint ihr? :ph34r:

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Hier ein Auszug. Vielleicht wenn jemand noch einsteigen will vor dem.29.04. Der coin ist ziemlich billig, und auch sehr beschränkt in der Anzahl.  In dieser Covid Zeit könnt dies sogar was werden 



We're announcing the FIRST EVER live event NFT with the legendary Techno DJ & Producer UMEK!!!


The drop goes live April 29 and is set to disrupt and revolutionize the music ecosystem. It will feature the FIRST EVER live gig and livestream NFT and three remixes of UMEK’s seminal track, Lanicor.


If received well by the community, we plan on providing the option of gig token minting & NFT ID verification to over half a million artists in our database.  


https://nft.viberate.com/pan widget

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