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Beiträge von Dr.M

  1. Also der Ralf ist mal in Plauderlaune

    Aber das ist nun mein letzter repost aus dem Discord. Bitte selber reinschauen im General Channel

    Ralf Rottmann-heute um 23:21 Uhr

    So... Hub is almost ready. We are testing. And we have to decide about the audit. Everyone in the foundation knows what Q is. Some of the details are hard to comprehend, because they are at the intersection of maths, crypto, decentralized computing and IOTA. After all, it’s not just a freaking VM running on nodes, smoking gas.
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  2. Ralf Rottmann-heute um 23:10 Uhr

    I doubt that we will release the new website tomorrow. It’s currently been proof read. And we really want this to nail it. So we won’t release under pressure. Let me see. Actually, a selection of job openings is already online. Not all profiles have been approved, yet, but if you guys feel you can help, here we go: https://iota.bamboohr.co.uk/jobs/


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