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Boilr - Cryptocurrency and bullion price alarms for Android


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Boilr is an Android application which monitors cryptocurrencies and bullion prices, and triggers alarms according to user settings.
You can see it in action at http://boilr.mobi.

Download: preferably through F-Droid.
You can also download the APK and check the source code at Boilr's GitHub.

Boilr supports 2 alarm types:

  • Price Hit - Triggered when price crosses the alarm's upper or lower limit.
  • Price Change - Triggered when price changes more than X amount (in currency or percentage) in a specified time frame (e.g. 1 day).

Market data is retrieved directly from the exchanges using Wi-Fi or Mobile Data (if allowed).

Boilr supports all exchanges available on libdynticker, as all their pairs.


PS. We would be grateful if any of you could contribute with a German translation.

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