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Bitcoin Core Version 0.10.1 veröffentlicht

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Bitcoin Core 0.10.1 wurde veröffentlicht und steht zum Download bereit:




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Der Quelltext kann unter der Kennzeichnung (tag) "v0.10.1" bei github heruntergeladen werden und ist auch in der Distribution enthalten.

Dies ist eine neue Unterversion die Fehlerbehebungen und überarbeitete Übersetzungen mit sich bringt. Es wird empfohlen auf diese Version zu aktualisieren.

Fehler bitte im Ticketing-System von github melden:


Erwähnenswerte Änderungen

Die ist nur eine Unterversion, daher gibt es keine erwähnenswerten Änderungen.

Die aufgeführten Änderungen daher nur auf Englisch:

0.10.1 Change log

Detailed release notes follow. This overview includes changes that affect external
behavior, not code moves, refactors or string updates.

- `7f502be` fix crash: createmultisig and addmultisigaddress
- `eae305f` Fix missing lock in submitblock

Block (database) and transaction handling:
- `1d2cdd2` Fix InvalidateBlock to add chainActive.Tip to setBlockIndexCandidates
- `c91c660` fix InvalidateBlock to repopulate setBlockIndexCandidates
- `002c8a2` fix possible block db breakage during re-index
- `a1f425b` Add (optional) consistency check for the block chain data structures
- `1c62e84` Keep mempool consistent during block-reorgs
- `57d1f46` Fix CheckBlockIndex for reindex
- `bac6fca` Set nSequenceId when a block is fully linked

P2P protocol and network code:
- `78f64ef` don't trickle for whitelisted nodes
- `ca301bf` Reduce fingerprinting through timestamps in 'addr' messages.
- `200f293` Ignore getaddr messages on Outbound connections.
- `d5d8998` Limit message sizes before transfer
- `aeb9279` Better fingerprinting protection for non-main-chain getdatas.
- `cf0218f` Make addrman's bucket placement deterministic (countermeasure 1 against eclipse attacks, see http://cs-people.bu.edu/heilman/eclipse/)
- `0c6f334` Always use a 50% chance to choose between tried and new entries (countermeasure 2 against eclipse attacks)
- `214154e` Do not bias outgoing connections towards fresh addresses (countermeasure 2 against eclipse attacks)
- `aa587d4` Scale up addrman (countermeasure 6 against eclipse attacks)
- `139cd81` Cap nAttempts penalty at 8 and switch to pow instead of a division loop

- `d148f62` Acquire CCheckQueue's lock to avoid race condition

Build system:
- `8752b5c` 0.10 fix for crashes on OSX 10.6

- N/A

- `2c08406` some mac specifiy cleanup (memory handling, unnecessary code)
- `81145a6` fix OSX dock icon window reopening
- `786cf72` fix a issue where "command line options"-action overwrite "Preference"-action (on OSX)

- `1117378` add RPC test for InvalidateBlock

- `c9e022b` Initialization: set Boost path locale in main thread
- `23126a0` Sanitize command strings before logging them.
- `323de27` Initialization: setup environment before starting QT tests
- `7494e09` Initialization: setup environment before starting tests
- `df45564` Initialization: set fallback locale as environment variable


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