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Hey everyone. 
I understand this belongs to the altcoin section, but I'm afraid mein deutsch ist zu schlecht für das  -_- 
I've stumbled upon this forum, wondering whether anyone mines Bytecoin (BCN) https://bytecoin.org/.
Bytecoin is the first implementation of the CryptoNote protocol, has anyone tried it out?


For me, the greatest feature is that it's egalitarian, so GPU mining does not give you any advantage over CPU mining. Though, the key features are untraceability and privacy. I mean the transactions are 100% private, not pseudonymous like with Bitcoin.    



Some info from the official site:



Bytecoin specifications

  • Proof-of-work algorithm: CryptoNight
  • Block time: 120 seconds
  • Difficulty retarget: each block
  • Block reward retarget: each block according to the formula:
  • BaseReward = (MSupply - A)/218
    where MSupply = (264 - 1) atomic units and 'A' is amount of already generated coins
  • Divisible up to: 108 units
  • Total coins: 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 atomic units (~ 184.47 billion BCN)

Any supporters here? How about translating some info into German? :)


PS check out the roadmap, it looks really decent https://bytecoin.org/roadmap/ (I couldn't embed the image here). 


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