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Beiträge von 1982thomas

  1. Dominik Schiener [6:14 PM] 

    but on a serious note, I think IOTA is now stronger than ever: we have the non-profit foundation finally approved (official announcement with registration numbers etc. will be released soon) which means that we *finally* get access to more than ~$60m that we weren't able to touch over the last few years. We have some big collaborations & partnerships lined up and overall, the entire team is truly committed to make this big.

  2. Dom auf Slack:


    Dominik Schiener [6:30 PM] 
    most of you guys simply don't realize what most of us (the founders & core team) have sacrificed to make all of this happen. All of you worry about losing 20% on your $2k investment on IOTA. Well, did any of you know that me and David so far have invested more than $300k of our personal money just to keep IOTA going and get the Foundation setup? That we've sacrificed the last ~3 years working non-stop, full time on realizing this vision? That many, have left behind their preivous well-paying jobs to work on a novel new project like IOTA?
    Dominik Schiener [6:26 PM] 
    the true value of IOTA is its ecosystem. We are helping to bring corporates on board - but building up startups, coming up with new ideas and bringing those to live - that is largely left to the community. So lets make shit happen.
  3. Guten Morgen,


    ich bräuchte eure Hilfe.

    Kann mir wer ein gutes Wallet für BTC empfehlen? Vorallem im Hinblick auf den Fork Ende Oktober.


    Hab bis jetzt nur Erfahrung mit ETH, jedoch ein wenig BTC welches noch auf einer exchange liegt.


    Danke Euch!

  4. kommt auf deine Strategie an.  Grundsätzlich ist IOTA für minus 10% immer gut.  Mittelfristig ( wenn es sich bewahrheitet, dass IOTA an alle großen Exchange im Q4 gelistet werden) sehe ich aber minimum 1,20. Langfristig mit den ersten Use-Cases 5+

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