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Beiträge von Seranoo

  1. Johann Jungwirth joins IOTAs supervisory board!


    The CDO of Volkswagen is going to join the IOTA-Foundation! In a recent article in “Der Spiegel” which is one of the biggest News-Magazines in Germany, they confirmed that Johann Jungwirth is going to join the supervisory board of IOTA-Foundation. Asking one of the Authors who wrote the article, he confirmed that Mr. Jungwirth himself approved this to them. So why is this news so huge and who is Johann Jungwirth?

    Mr. Johann Jungwirth, has been Head of Digitalization Strategy of Volkswagen AG since November 1, 2015. Mr. Jungwirth was named Director, Mac Systems Engineering at Apple in Cupertino, CA (USA), in 2014. He was responsible for innovation in design and engineering in product development as well as hiring, growing and leading a multicultural research & development team and supporting the Special Projects Group. In 2009, he was appointed as President and Chief Executive Officer of Mercedes-Benz Research & Development North America to head the Research & Development Center in Sunnyvale, CA (USA), with additional international locations. From the center in Silicon Valley, he and his team were responsible for all research and development business units in the US market such as autonomous driving, powertrain and electric drive, technology and vehicle development, as well as telematics and user interaction design. From 2008 to 2014, Mr. Jungwirth was also Vice-President Infotainment and Telematics responsible for all research, engineering and product development for infotainment and connected car solutions. He also participated in the International Motor Vehicle Program of Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, MA (USA). He holds an Electrical Engineering degree Dipl.-Ing. (BA) from Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University in Stuttgart.

    What does this mean for IOTA? After getting Bosch on board, the next big company in Germany gives an approval of the great work IOTA has done so far. With more and more big players joining IOTA it strengthens its position in the international market of Cryptocurrencies.

    What is still to come? No one knows what the future will bring, except that IOTA is going to Moon!

    • Thanks 1
  2. vor 1 Minute schrieb Iotarier:

    Kann es denn nicht sein, dass der Kurs gerade steigt, weil eben nur ganz schlecht in die wallet zu kommen ist? Daher kann ja auch nicht verkauft werden...

    Versuch mal eine andere Node...

  3. vor 17 Minuten schrieb chip:

    Wenn die technischen Fragen gelöst sind, warum sollte sich Bosch mit dem IOTA-Team abgeben? Entweder das Team wird einverleibt in den Bosch-Konzern oder Bosch kopiert das System mit einem eigenen Token. Das ist alles Open Source und somit kein Problem. Alles andere wäre aus marktwirtschaftlicher Sicht - und nur die zählt hier - unsinnig. 

    Das denke ich eher nicht...dann gibt es wieder klein klein und jede Firma will ihre eigene Tokens womit sie außehalb ihres Dunstkreises nichts anfangen können.

    Um die Wertschöpfung voll auszuschöpfen muß sie auch außerhalb mit den Tokens arbeiten können...

    • Like 2
  4. vor 5 Minuten schrieb dipple:

    Naja, jeder Betroffene hat bisher gesagt, dass er einen Online-Generator benutzt hat. Das sieht für mich schon so aus, als würde es daran liegen.

    Achja, ich bin gerade übrigens über http://iri3.iota.fm:80 reingekommen. Alles da :) 

    Die iri bietet er mir gar nicht an kann man die manuel eingeben?

  5. vor 17 Minuten schrieb Thedepudee:

    A) Quelle bitte dazu und B ) was soll daraus resultieren bzw. was passiert dann?


    This is advanced notification from the IOTA team that we are scheduling a network snapshot for Sundayn January 28th. More information will be posted leading up to the snapshot. steht im Announcement vom Iota discordapp

  6. Morgen fängt die "London Blockchain Week 2018 January 19th - 26th, 2018 " in London an.

    "4:15pm - 4:35pm Fireside Chat with Dominik Schiener, Co-Founder of IOTA, Beyond the Blockchain, into the Machine Economy
    Tuesday Jan 23"
    Mit Dominik und Ayelet Noff von Blonde 2.0
    • Thanks 1
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