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How to transfer from Bitcoin.de to my wallet?


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Hi :)


no there is no fee to transfer bitcoins on bitcoin.de ;)

To withdraw your bitcoins just mouseover on "my bitcoin.de" and then go to "deposit/withdrawal" (I'm not sure if these are the words in english there, because I trade in german).

Then you can choose between deposit and withdrawal, choose withdrawal.


Now you can enter the bitcoinadress (of your wallet), the amount, your passwort, 2Factor Authentification and a comment. That's all ;) The minimum amount to withdraw is 0.05BTC I think.

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Hi :)


no there is no fee to transfer bitcoins on bitcoin.de ;)

To withdraw your bitcoins just mouseover on "my bitcoin.de" and then go to "deposit/withdrawal" (I'm not sure if these are the words in english there, because I trade in german).

Then you can choose between deposit and withdrawal, choose withdrawal.


Now you can enter the bitcoinadress (of your wallet), the amount, your passwort, 2Factor Authentification and a comment. That's all ;) The minimum amount to withdraw is 0.05BTC I think.


Thank you very much, dude  :)

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