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ETH Transfers-Netzwerküberlastung!


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Soeben über mein Exodus Wallet entdeckt:

December 4th, 2017 @ 10:57 PM Pacific Time: Due to a massive increase in demand, the Ethereum network recently reached an all time high in network usage. This spike in usage has caused the equivalent of a network traffic jam creating considerable delays for many Ethereum transactions. This traffic spike is causing delays across the entire Ethereum network and impacts sending, receiving and exchanging Ethereum and Ethereum-based tokens.

This also includes all Exodus assets (ERC-20 or Ethereum-based tokens) that run on the Ethereum network. These assets include Aragon, Augur, BAT, Civic, District0x, EOS, FunFair, Gnosis, Golem, OmiseGo and Salt.

If you are waiting on an Ethereum or Ethereum-Based token please be aware waiting times are increased and it can take up to 24 hours.

For further details more information and resources are provided below:



Da scheint der Umweg über ETH zu IOTA zum Belastungstest zu werden.

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