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The next revolution in the world of cryptocurrencies?



Gold Backed Coin (GBC) is the world's first virtual currency fully backed by gold – and it could change the way we think about virtual money.



A relatively short period of time ago, the term cryptocurrency did not mean anything to most people. But this has changed since a virtual something named Bitcoin has entered the scene, managing to catch the eye of the public and to inspire investors and developers all over the world.


Currently, the next revolution seems to be already at the doorstep, with the potential to shake up the community and open a new chapter in the history of virtual money. It could be a revolution that distinguishes itself by connecting the virtual world far more closely with the real world than Bitcoin does: „Gold Backed Coin“ or GBC is the world's first virtual currency that is fully backed by physical gold, promising security and opportunity at the same time.


“GBC is a new-level cryptocurrency”, its developers, Chris Glatz and Wolfgang Weinmann, say. While Bitcoin has been thriving and a bunch of copycats came into existence, the question may have arisen where the development of virtual currencies is actually heading. For Mr. Weinmann, the answer is crystal clear: “Virtual currencies have entered the scene as a means to respond to the Financial Crisis and the underlying structural deficiencies. But most of these coins have not offered stability against a drop in value. GBC tackles exactly this problem.” And Mr. Glatz adds that GBC has borrowed from history: ”For a long time, gold backing was a successful way to stabilize the monetary systems around the world. In its current stage, virtual money really needs a trustworthy gold backed alternative.


As its name says, the full gold backing of the coin constitutes a crucial advantage for the investors in GBC. Every Gold Backed Coin is worth one tenth of an ounce of gold. The issuers will build up gold reserves equivalent in value to the coins issued. These reserves, stored in Switzerland, will enable them to give a price guarantee to the holders of GBC. So while the market price of the coin is not limited upwards, there shall be stability downwards, as the appropriate part of the gold reserves will, if necessary, be used to push the market price back above the real, gold backed value of the coin.


Gold Backed Coins can be ordered during book buildings on the website www.GBC.is. Prospective buyers hand in their orders by choosing the desired amount of coins and offering a price within a given span. On April 9, the initial book building will open, lasting for thirteen days. The coins are then issued within the Ripple network, an advanced online money transaction system where GBC will be traded against a range of other real and virtual currencies.


The issuers of GBC emphasize that their virtual coin has a very high potential because it emerges into a world where instability has gained ground: “GBC holds an intrinsic value that is stable. It is impossible to drop to zero, as the backed value is there, and the backed value is assured by the equivalent value in gold reserves. Presumably, the market for GBC is excellent.” But Mr. Weinmann and Mr. Glatz have a goal beyond pure financial interest: “We want to push the development of cryptocurrencies forward. The virtual space has become an integral part of life, and in life, security and opportunity are both very important. With a fundamentally strong backing, we can overcome the critical downside most other virtual currencies have. Naturally, that is what endows GBC with a worldwide competitive advantage.”


It seems that a new era has begun in the world of cryptocurrencies. Many investors may turn their attention to this new virtual coin that promises higher security standards in a market renowned so far for its sheer unpredictability.


Interested individuals can find further information on GBC's website: www.GBC.is


If you have any question, please send your inquiries to press@gbc.is or support@gbc.is

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Grundsätzlich ne coole Idee. Mir ist nur schleierhaft woher die die Goldunterlage kommt. Das müssen ja Tonnen sein.

Hier ist vermutlich eine Klarstellung erforderlich: Die Golddeckung findet erst beim Verkauf der Münze statt, nicht im Vorhinein. Und es ist die Nachfrage, die entscheidet, wie viele Münzen es geben wird. 13 Millionen ist ein rein hypothetischer Richtwert.


Und da gibt es einen Artikel über die Gold Backed Coin:



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Und für alle aufkommenden Fragen stehen wir euch auch gerne unter support@gbc.is gerne zur Verfügung!

Bearbeitet von GBC Gold Backed Coin
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oder man macht sie ein Wasserzeichen mit Gold in großen Buchstaben unter das Paperwallet.


Und schon ist der Coin goldgedeckt. Eine prima Sache...

Die GBC wird mit physischem Gold gedeckt, je ein Zehntel Unze Gold pro Münze. Das Gold wird bei einem vertrauenswürdigen Finanzinstitut in der Schweiz gelagert und dient der Absicherung der Preisgarantie, die  GBC bietet. Mehr Informationen hierzu auf unserer Website: http://www.GBC.is

Bearbeitet von GBC Gold Backed Coin
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Die GBC wird mit physischem Gold gedeckt, je ein Zehntel Unze Gold pro Münze. Das Gold wird bei einem vertrauenswürdigen Finanzinstitut in der Schweiz gelagert und dient der Absicherung der Preisgarantie, die  GBC bietet. Mehr Informationen hierzu auf unserer Website: http://www.GBC.is

Da kaufe ich doch lieber das Original:)


Eine Goldmünze.

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GBC's book building has started. From now on, over a period of 13 days, we will
accept your orders for Gold Backed Coins. You can submit your order here:

We will now give you some information that might be of interest to you. First, we
will sum up the most important advantages that GBC offers over other altcoins and
over gold. Then you will be offered information about what will happen after the
book building.

What are the most important advantages of GBC compared to other altcoins?

- While the value of most other altcoins is based on nothing but sheer hope, GBC
is secured by physical gold. Because of the full gold backing of 1/10 of an ounce
of gold per coin, the real value of one GBC cannot drop below its gold backed

- In case the market price of GBC on the GBC/BTC market were to drop below the
backed value and no other investor were interested in buying the coins for less
than the value they inherently hold, GBC would intervene on the market and buy
back the coins.

- While your investment is safe downwards due to GBC's price guarantee, the price
of Gold Backed Coins can rise wherever the market goes. This will be beneficial
for all investors, especially for those who buy their GBC during the book
building at an early stage.

- In the future we will provide proof of the amount of gold deposited.
Furthermore, you can watch the amount of GBC issued on the Ripple Graph.

What are the most important advantages of GBC compared to physical gold?

- You can convert GBC to other real or virtual currencies quickly and easily
whenever prospective buyers and sellers meet on a market within the Ripple
network. Changing GBC into fiat money is also much cheaper than changing gold
into fiat money.

- You can earn money when the market price of the coin rises (and of course, when
the price of gold rises.) Looking at the dynamic of the altcoin markets, the
chances are very high that the price of Gold Backed Coin will significantly

- There is no need to deposit Gold Backed Coins physically because they are
issued and stored within the Ripple network. Furthermore you will also be able to
trade smaller quantities of GBC than are usually available in physical gold at
the gold seller.

- Moreover, you are supporting a development that could reduce the general price
risks on the altcoin markets and instead enhance the opportunities for investors
and developers. This might lead to a broader acceptance of cryptocurrencies in
the society.

What will happen after the book building is closed?

When the book building has closed, our team will make a calculation to find out
which price level contains the highest order volume. The result of this
calculation will be the book building price at which the Gold Backed Coins will
be sold. If you offered a higher order price, you will be served at the cheaper
price. If your order price was lower, we will send back your BTC (unless you
chose to let them take part in the following book building). In the next step, we
will send your Gold Backed Coins to your Ripple wallet.

We are looking forward to serving your order! You can submit your order here:
http://www.gbc.is/order If you have any questions or problems,
don't hesitate to contact us at support@gbc.is!

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