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Rating bug?


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One year ago, I subscribed here and I bought around 1 BTC.
I only had one operation done, that was all.

And as far as I can remember, it all went smoothly.

The only thing that could be wrong I remember, I had to cancel some operations because when I went up to pay, I found my bank server didn't accept my password because their software is awful (shitty bank).


Now I logged back because I'm thinking to buy some more, and I find... that my rating is bad.

I got 1 good vote and 4 bad votes.


And of course I can't even track back who voted me and ask what happened and why they did.

Is this a known bug?
Because I really don't feel this right. I have a 20% trust, but I don't feel I have done ANYTHING BAD TO ANYBODY.


I really hope this is a bug.

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"...I had to cancel some operations because when I went up to pay, I found my bank server didn't accept my password because their software is awful..." - "...Because I really don't feel this right. I have a 20% trust, but I don't feel I have done ANYTHING BAD TO ANYBODY..." - ?!? - you bought but never paid - your bank is your problem and not sellers problem

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"...I had to cancel some operations because when I went up to pay, I found my bank server didn't accept my password because their software is awful..." - "...Because I really don't feel this right. I have a 20% trust, but I don't feel I have done ANYTHING BAD TO ANYBODY..." - ?!? - you bought but never paid - your bank is your problem and not sellers problem


I "bought" but I didn't receive anything anyway, so where is exactly the problem?

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I had to open another bank account on another bank to have internet banking working and complete the buying at that time.

Now, can somebody tell me how EXACTLY is this rating going to influence my operations?
Not that I have millions or want to do many operations, I want just buy some more BTC, and I just would like to know it for curiosity.

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Hallo megmaltese,


I'm sorry you have a bad rating. But that's how the rating-system works. That's like you order something on amazon and you don't receive it.


But you don't need to worry. With the trust-level bronze s.gifyou can still buy and sell bitcoin. Some people restrict trades on people with a higher trustlevel, but most people don't.


The trust-level just defines your trading limit. With bronze they are


Disbursements per day: max. 5 BTC
Bitcoin amount per purchase: max. 5 BTC
Bitcoin amount per sale: max. 10 BTC


for more information about this please visit the faq-section: https://www.bitcoin.de/en/infos


All the best



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Hello megmaltese,


I'm sorry you have a bad credit rating. But that's how the rating system works. That's like you order something on Amazon and you do not receive it.


But you do not need to worry. With the trust-level bronze s.gifYou can quietly buy and sell Bitcoin. Some people restrict trades on people with a higher trust level, but most people do not.


The trust level just Defines your trading limit. With bronze They are


Disbursements per day: max. 5 BTC

Bitcoin amount per purchase: max. 5 BTC

Bitcoin amount per sale: max. 10 BTC


for more information about this please visit the FAQ section: https://www.bitcoin.de/en/infos


All the best




Uh ok then, I haven't got such funds anyway, unluckily :D I hope I'll manage to buy another BTC or two.


Thank you for help!

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