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Blackmoon Januar Digest. Der Token wächst. Plattform in Arbeit


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Liebe Freunde,


Wir freuen uns, Ihnen Blackmoon Januar Digest zu präsentieren, wo wir über die Ergebnisse des Monats und die Pläne für die Zukunft berichten werden.

Wichtige Highlights dieses Monats sind die abgeschlossenen Smart-Kontrakte, drei neue Rechtsfirmen und positive Rückmeldungen von Banken und Brokerfirmen.


Jetzt mehr Details:


1. Rebranding. Blackmoon Crypto -> Blackmoon.

2. Die Seite des Fondstokens und der Interface des BMC Inhabers: Prognose - Ende Februar

3. Smart-Kontrakte: die Hauptarbeiten sind abgeschlossen

4. Die Entwicklung der Sekundärmarktes, Fondstokens:


- Eine aktive Suche wird nach der Jurisdiktion für den Start der Tradingplattform ausgeführt (Prognose für die Lizenznahme - Mai 2018).

- Dies beeinflusst den Start der Hauptplattform im März 2018 in KEINER Weise.

- Gefunden den Technologiepartner für den Anlauf der Tradingplattform


5. Umfrageergebnisse: 66% der Befragten bevorzugten liquide Fonds gegenüber illiquiden

6. Neue legale Partner: Debevoise & Plimpton LLP, Harneys, Arendt & Medernach

7. Verhandlungen mit Vertretern von Banken und Brokerfirmen. Weitere Updates im nächsten Digest

8. Preisdynamik für Altcoins und BMC: Die Höhen und Tiefen des Tokens, ICO-Teilnehmer sahen einen Gewinn

9. Vergrößerung des Personalbestands: Investment manager, Product manager und Chief Design Officer

10. Teilnahme an Veranstaltungen und Interviews

11. Pläne für Januar


Bitte, Erfahren Sie mehr - https://news.blackmooncrypto.com/blackmoon-crypto-monthly-digest-january-2018-a8382944c4bd  


Website: https://blackmooncrypto.com   

Medium Blog: https://medium.com/blackmoon-crypto  

Telegram: https://telegram.me/blackmooncrypto

Mail: info@blackmooncrypto.com  


Sie können BMC Token an folgenden Börsen finden:


Liqui: https://liqui.io/#/exchange/BMC_BTC

HitBTC: https://hitbtc.com/BMC-to-BTC  

Tidex: https://tidex.com/exchange/bmc/btc  

EtherDelta: https://etherdelta.com/#BMC-ETH  


Bitte lassen Sie uns wissen, wenn Sie weitere Fragen haben!

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  • 1 Monat später...

Liebe Freunde, 

Wir sind stolz den Februar Digest Ihnen zu prasentieren. Hauptdetails:

- Anderungen in der Einnahmewirtschaft.
- Die Investors in Asset Tokens werden keine Strukturierungs- und Unterhaltsgebühren zahlen.
- Update über die Continous Contributors. Die Rollen von Promotern, Analysten, Fondsmanagern sind mehr erleuchtet.
- Die Beschreibung der ersten drei Fonds, neue AML Partner, Teamauffüllung

Unser Projekt setzt sein Wachstum fort. Die erste Veröffentlichung des Plattforms wird sehr bald (Ende März) stattfinden. Unser Team freut sich darauf.

Bitte, Erfahren Sie mehr - https://news.blackmooncrypto.com/blackmoon-monthly-digest-february-2018-a1b3a926dc7f

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  • 1 Monat später...

Dear friends,

We are very happy to introduce long-awaited March digest - https://news.blackmooncrypto.com/blackmoon-monthly-digest-march-2018-13dcb6003f8a


- Blackmoon website: new domain
- Development with banks and asset managers
- Secondary markets development
- Compliance and continuous contributors
- Restrictions for investors (asset token holders)
- AMA sessions with core team members and events
- New team members and Blackmoon careers
- Altcoins and BMC price dynamics
- Plans for March

We are excited to announce that Blackmoon will be represented at the MoneyConf (https://moneyconf.com) which will be hosted in Dublin, Ireland from the 11th to the 13th of June 2018. In addition to participating in this exciting networking event, we have decided that it would be a great idea to conduct a ticket giveaway for our community in show of appreciation of continuous support.

Please find all details of giveaway mechanism in the blog post.

Blackmoon platform — about us:

- Our main goal is to be the benchmark for tokenized investment funds and vehicles that invest in traditional investment instruments as well as in emerging distributed economy opportunities. 
- Our service’s aim is to help expand the boundaries of investment possibilities and to encourage regulators to recognize blockchain tools as the new reality in classical fnancial markets. 
- Our values are based on compliance transparency, sustainability, scalable fund creation, bringing in new liquidity.

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  • 4 Wochen später...

Ladies and gentlemen,

We have lift off! On March 30th, 13:30 pm UTC Blackmoon platform went live and opened up for user registration and verification. After 6+ months of continuous team effort from all our departments we are glad to celebrate this milestone with our community. Now is the time to ensure that this successful lift off is followed up with an equally successful journey towards reaching our main target in becoming a benchmark solution for asset managers in the blockchain industry.

Please read more and share our new April digest - https://news.blackmooncrypto.com/blackmoon-monthly-digest-april-2018-7fdb5a747dc7


- Questions concerning the registration/verification process
- Secondary Market development
- Digital Marketing
- Blackmoon Events
- New team members
- Altcoins and BMC price dynamics

Important disclaimer:

Investment in cryptocurrencies carries high degree of risk and volatility and is not suitable for every investor; therefore, you should not risk the capital you cannot afford to lose. Please consult an independent professional financial or legal advisor to ensure the product meets your objectives before you decide to invest. Regional restrictions and suitability checks apply.

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Liebe Freunde,

Heute sind wir stolz, Blackmoon Smart Kontrakte in GitHub öffentlich verfügbar zu machen!
Hier ist ein Artikel von Ilya Remizov (CTO Blackmoon) mit Erklärungen über die Achillesferse von Smart Kontrakten im allgemeinen und über die zweistufige Architektur von BMC Kontrakten im besonderen.

Bitte lesen und teilen mit Ihren Freunden - https://news.blackmooncrypto.com/blackmoon-smart-contracts-51a935fc9311

Important disclaimer:

Investment in cryptocurrencies carries high degree of risk and volatility and is not suitable for every investor; therefore, you should not risk the capital you cannot afford to lose. Please consult an independent professional financial or legal advisor to ensure the product meets your objectives before you decide to invest. Regional restrictions and suitability checks apply.

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  • 2 Wochen später...

First asset token on Blackmoon platform now available for purchase!

Dear friends, 

After countless hours of work under pressure to meet the deadlines and perfect the product, our guys in the IT department impressed us again. Today we proudly announced to our community that, starting now, all verified investors can buy Blackmoon’s Asset Tokens. This is a great milestone for us and for our supporters who have been patiently waiting to invest on our platform.

From now on, the verified users will notice that their personal account options have expanded to include not only the information on the underlying assets, but also the history of transactions of purchases and redemptions, as well as the balances of their asset tokens. As you remember, only verified users can participate in the Blackmoon platform, so if you haven’t started the registration process or verified your account, we encourage you to do it now.

We have worked hard to ensure that the user experience is optimal, but since the platform is new, we remind all investors that we have a 24-hour support team that can assist you with any questions. You can contact our support team via email (info@blackmoonplatform.com) or through our telegram chat room (https://t.me/blackmoonplatform).

Our teams are working around the clock to keep the momentum going and will continue adding new investment opportunities for our investors. Our main goal is to become the benchmark in the industry for tokenized investments, and we are happy to hear your thoughts on our direction.

For now, from all of us at the Blackmoon Team we salute our IT specialists for their endless efforts and for bringing us a step closer to the moon. Bravo!
Join the mission to bridge crypto and traditional universes now >>> https://news.blackmooncrypto.com/asset-tokens-now-available-d9b083574396



SPDR S&P500 ETF token is the asset token of the exchange traded fund (ETF) which tracks the Standard & Poor’s 500 index. To learn more about this ETF read the following article: https://news.blackmooncrypto.com/spdr-s-p500-etf-fba4b5e44c90

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  • 1 Monat später...


Blackmoon (BMC): The First In History Token Based On Xiaomi IPO & Three New Crypto Funds For “Volatile’ Strategies


Blackmoon has made Blockchain history. We are proud to announce that crypto investors will soon have the opportunity to participate in the performance of Xiaomi IPO on the Hong Kong stock exchange.

Blackmoon is the first company in the history to tokenize an IPO in this way and it and allows cryptocurrency investors and users access to the Xiaomi Corporation IPO. The decision behind the launch of the token was loyal to Oleg’s vision to promote a relevant product at the right time and place. Excitement about the launch is high and have already caught attention of some of the most trusted media outlets such as the Financial Times.

So why the excitement many asked? “Well it’s quite simple.” Oleg Seydak answered reporters. “Historically participation in an IPO has generally been a prerogative of institutional traders, but now with the democratization of the the market and availability of new tools it has become available for everyone. We have provided cryptocurrency holders the option to participate in the performance of Xiaomi stocks without leaving the blockchain universe, and this is what Blackmoon has been all about from the start, ” he concluded.

Xiaomi Corporation is an innovation-driven internet company with the aim to create “amazing” user-friendly products at accessible prices. Originated in China in 2010 by an outstanding team of engineers and designers, the company became the world’s fourth-largest smartphone company and the number one smartphone company in India. The company offers a broad range of hardware designed in-house and in collaboration with the partners, including smartphones, TVs and other smart devices connected by the IoT platform. More and more people all over the world are replacing their smartphones with Xiaomi because of the good “price-quality” correlation and the nice design.

Xiaomi had revenue in the amount of approx: $17bn in 2017 which represented +67% growth comparing to 2016 year.

More information on the specs and advantages of the BMxXMI token:

- The Token will be be available for purchase with major cryptocurrencies: BTC, ETH and LTC

- Tokens will be available for buyback to the platform in exchange for ETH shortly after the IPO despite the 93 days lockup on shares according to Xiaomi IPO terms. This is possible by applying short trading and forward contracts which allow the platform to fix the value of the asset and buyback tokens at current price of shares.

- On the back end of the process, Blackmoon will hold the whole amount of tokens in its brokers account and hedge all its positions by the real underlying assets.”

Blackmoon introduces its first set of Crypto Tokens

In short, this is our answer to the current market trends and needs. We mentioned in the last digest that even though we kicked off the platform with straight forward “vanilla funds”, we realised that today the crypto investor is craving for another type of funds; a more liquid sort with greater return opportunities and more volatility. Enter Blackmoon’s first set of crypto funds.

The first set of crypto funds follow three different strategies. Bellow is a brief description of each of the tokens. Let’s start with the token with the most “volatile’ strategy — for some maybe the most exciting.


1. The BMx1DV Token — One Day Most Volatile Strategy

One Day Most Volatile Strategy is focused on delivering alpha to BTC by tracking those coins that have had the largest volatility during the previous 24 hour period. The core objective of the strategy is to generate the returns corresponding to the yield of the crypto assets with the largest volatility. The portfolio will contain max 20 min 5 positions.

2. The BMxT20 Token — Top 20 Market Cap Strategy

Top 20 Market Cap Monthly Strategy is focused to deliver alpha to BTC by tracking those coins that have had the largest market capitalization in the previous three month period. The core objective of the strategy is to generate the returns corresponding to the yield of the cryptocurrencies with the largest capitalization.

3. The BMxDDR Daily Delta Rebalancing Strategy

Daily Delta Rebalancing Strategy is focused on delivering alpha to BTC by adjusting the basket of the top 6 market-cap of coins and cash. The core objective of the strategy is to generate the returns corresponding to the yield of the top 6 cryptocurrencies with the largest capitalization providing downside risk protection by dynamically allocating portfolio between cash in crypto.


Other highlights from the digest

1. Secondary market and EU licensing. The regulators understood our business model and they did not object to our suggested timelines of licensing

2. New team members. +2 new full stack developers

3. Marketing: Blackmoon events in May and media mentions


Thank you so much!

Original - https://news.blackmooncrypto.com/blackmoon-monthly-digest-june-2018-930838635e6d


First asset token sales on the Platform are live! Registration and KYC are OPEN. Join now!

About first asset tokens on Platform:

1. SPDR S&P500 ETF - https://telegra.ph/SPDR-SP500-ETF-05-10

2. iShares MSCI Emerging Markets ETF - https://telegra.ph/iShares-MSCI-Emerging-Markets-ETF-05-16

3. Next projects on Platform in the pipeline are three different crypto funds and Xiaomi IPO asset token ?


Useful links:

- Coinmarketcap - https://goo.gl/HVfw9B

- Mail - info@blackmooncrypto.com

- Weekly Blockchain News - https://youtu.be/ivoao_O_Wh8

Bearbeitet von LiYang
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  • 2 Monate später...

Dear Community,

We are pleased to announce the crypto strategy tokens for algotrading are now available for purchase via your personal account on the Blackmoon Platform Showcase!


Want to read  more information on crypto strategies? Read our featured blog post "Algorithmic Trading Comes to Crypto" - https://news.blackmooncrypto.com/algorithmic-trading-comes-to-crypto-653a8fc7ec3f

All your questions you may ask in our 24/7 Telegram chat - https://telegram.me/blackmoonplatform

Kind Regards,
The Blackmoon Team

Bearbeitet von LiYang
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  • 1 Monat später...


6 weeks ago, we launched our first set of Crypto Strategies Tokens – BMxT20, MBx1DV, BMxDDR. During this period the crypto strategies have shown good results and responded to the general expectations of the backtested results as well as the needs of the crypto community.

We are proud to announce that we have launched our second set of Crypto Strategy Tokens. We introduce three brand-new cryptotrading strategies - BMxVTP, BMxTMR, BMxT10. 

The tokens behind these strategies have shown fantastic backtested returns for the period from early spring to late September thanks to the secret magic of Blackmoon's algorithms: +204%, 143%, 43% in ETH respectively. Do not to miss this unique investment opportunity! Visit our showcase now, while the order book is open - blackmoonplatform.com/showcase

Please, read more and share

Bearbeitet von LiYang
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8 hours ago, Jokin said:

Secret Magic high potential scam.


May I ask why do you think so? We're always ready for an open and transparent conversation.

The crypto strategies are the product of our team's effort. Basically, it's algorithmic trading. Blackmoon brings programmatically executed solutions to crypto investors. I'd recommend you to check our article about algotrading and its advantages https://news.blackmooncrypto.com/algorithmic-trading-comes-to-crypto-653a8fc7ec3f


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On 10/4/2018 at 9:04 PM, Jokin said:

e.g. no company address on your web page

This is a rather strange statement. We have a full complect of legal documents and contacts. You can find it here - https://www.screencast.com/t/Rw2bEUC9hJF

Our address is BMC Group SPC LTD, Harbour Place, 103 South Church Street, P.O. Box 10240, Grand Cayman, KY1-1002, Cayman Islands





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The Continuous Contributor (CC) programme beta is now available for BMC token holders on the Blackmoon Platform. And there is more! We have enhanced the programme mechanism to offer an even easier user experience that will allow you to contribute to the success of the community, and in the process earn rewards by actively promoting predefined content with your network!


Please, read more and share 


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