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Bitbond Launches First German Security Token Offering (STO)


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At Bitbond we are running the first German Security Token Offering  with an EU compliant securities prospectus. The offering is a tokenized bond, the prospectus has been approved by the German financial regulator BaFin.

The Bitbond token (BB1)  has a n ominal value of EUR 1  and can be purchased by interested investors (except US and Canadian citizens). The tokens enable investors to participate in the success of the blockchain company and the loans brokered by Bitbond.

Token holders receive two types of coupons:
1.Fixed coupon of 4% per year, paid out quarterly (ie 4x 1%)
2.Variable coupon which represents 60% of the profits of our investments, paid out once a year after audited finance statements were published

The Bitbond Token's subscription date is 11.03.2019  - save the date!

Investors who subscribe early wants to get a discount  on their investment.

The applied discounts change after the time is over or when the maximum investment amount has been committed by token investors.

If you want to take advantage of the discounts, we encourage you to invest on March 11th, 2019  as discounts will be allocated on a first come first serve basis.

Click here  to see the discounts periods.

The proceeds from the Bitbond STO serve two purposes: 
1. Bitbond wants to use them for its core business of lending to business owners and freelancers globally.
2. Bitbond is further developing its global platform for private loans. This also includes the advancement of innovations in the payments and scoring area. In doing so, the Berlin Fintech company promotes financial inclusion around the globe.

You can learn more about the Bitbond Token by reading our light paper  and our securities prospectus .

Join our waitlist  to receive updates , learn about more Bitbond STO discounts  and get your affiliate link at www.bitbondsto.com

The Bitbond STO does not just offer investors great returns, but instead allows you to earn commission for every friend who invests.  Help us introduce the world to Bitbond, Stellar, and Germany's first STO by sharing your affiliate link across social media. Earn 5% of the investment you help to generate.

Here are some examples of what you can earn:

Earn € 500  for generating investments totaling € 10,000 
Earn € 1,000  for generating investments totaling € 20,000 
Earn € 50,000  for generating investments totaling € 1 million

Join the #BitbondSTO  community  & get the latest news at: 
Telegram EN: https://t.me/BitbondSTOen
Telegram DE: https://t.me/BitbondSTO
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Twitter : https://twitter.com/Bitbond
Linkedin: https://twitter.com/bitbond

About Bitbond
Bitbond  which established in 2013 as the first global business lending platform. With the aim of providing almost reliable financing solutions for business around the world. Over the past 6 years, Bitbond has generated over $ 15 million worth of SME loans, funded in over 80 different countries.

By using the blockchain for payment processing Bitbond and its users are independent of banks. Bitbond is the first German regulated financial services provider that uses blockchain technology.

Here is where we have been published so far:

In German: 
Greuenderszene: https://www.gruenderszene.de/fintech/bitbond-bafin-security-token
Dertreasurer: https://www.dertreasurer.de/news/finanzen-bilanzen/lbbw-verkauft-abcp-papier-erstmals-via-blockchain-an-meag-2002741/
Fondsprofessionell: https://www.fondsprofessionell.at/news/recht/headline/deutsche-finanzaufsicht-segnet-erstmals-krypto-boersengang-ab-150968/
mmnews: https://www.mmnews.de/boerse/bitcoin/115755-bitcoin-iota-ethereum-jetzt-wieder-rauf
The Bitcoin News: https://www.bitcoinnews.ch/12600/bitbond-erster-deutscher-sto-mit-wertpapierprospekt/?fbclid=IwAR3YR2wYLKyMKR5UPx4HRJcUDgHaf2EMzAoj90Phc7wFfw4r4N1v2SDYjIE
Investicoin: https://investicoin.de/investment/bitbond-als-erstes-security-token-offering-sto-durch-bafin-zugelassen/
Coinkurier: https://coinkurier.de/bitbond-deutschlands-erstes-security-token-offering-sto-startet-im-maerz/
Wallstreet online: https://www.wallstreet-online.de/nachricht/11248949-bafin-bafin-billigt-virtuelle-finanzierungsrunde
FOCUS: https://www.focus.de/finanzen/boerse/kryptowaehrungen/eine-vergessene-anlageklasse-die-anleihe-und-ihr-comeback-durch-security-token_id_10358978.html?_lrsc=cd79511e-65dd-49a8-8265-6e9fe7805fc5&utm_source=social&utm_medium=leap
Börsen-Zeitung: https://www.boersen-zeitung.de/index.php?li=1&artid=2019038071&titel=Security-Token-Offering-made-in-Germany-

In English: 
CryptoNinjas: https://www.cryptoninjas.net/2019/02/18/bitbond-announces-sto-with-security-prospectus/
Crowdfund Insider: https://www.crowdfundinsider.com/2019/02/144629-germany-bafin-approves-bitbond-to-issue-digital-securities-tokenized-bonds/
The Bitcoin News: https://thebitcoinnews.com/bitbond-bafin-approves-germanys-first-security-token-offering-sto/
Altifi: http://www.altfi.com/wire/611
Coinwisdom: http://coinwisdom.org/143382-bitbond-announces-sto-with-security-prospectus/
Finance Magnates: https://www.financemagnates.com/cryptocurrency/news/bitbond-receives-bafins-approval-for-tokenized-bonds/
Fintech Finance: https://www.fintech.finance/01-news/bitbond-first-german-sto-with-security/
Coingape: https://coingape.com/bitbond-becomes-first-regulated-blockchain-firm-announce-sto/
Securities.io : https://www.securities.io/bitbond-gains-approval-of-bafin-to-host-security-token-offering/
Bitcoin exchange guide: https://bitcoinexchangeguide.com/germanys-bitbond-blockchain-token-bb1-to-release-security-token-offering-with-bafin-approved-prospectus/
Sludge Feed: https://sludgefeed.com/bitbond-receives-german-regulatory-approval-for-sto/
Crypotonomist: https://cryptonomist.ch/en/2019/02/22/germany-bafin-authorises-bitbond-sto/

In Spanish: 
Todocrowdlending: https://todocrowdlending.com/bitbond-sto/

In French: 
Mind Fintech: https://www.mindfintech.fr/article/14584/bitbond-presente-la-premiere-sto-approuvee-par-la-bafin/

In Italian:
Be Beez: https://bebeez.it/2019/02/22/la-consob-tedesca-autorizza-la-sto-securities-token-offering-la-piattaforma-fintech-bitbond-colloca-bond-cripto
Cryptonomist: https://cryptonomist.ch/it/2019/02/22/germania-bafin-autorizza-sto-bitbond/

In Polish: 
prnew: https://prnews.pl/bitbond-pierwszy-security-token-offering-sto-prospektem-emisyjnym-niemczech-441104

In Russian: 
Bloomchain: https://bloomchain.ru/newsfeed/nemetskij-regulyator-odobril-tokenizirovannye-obligatsii-bitbond/
Bankir: https://bankir.ru/novosti/20190219/blokchein-kreditor-bitbond-poluchil-odobrenie -na-provedenie-sto-10155537 /

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vor 13 Minuten schrieb BitbondSTO:

The offering is a tokenized bond, the prospectus has been approved by the German financial regulator BaFin.

... das ist korrekt geschrieben und damit ist exakt dies gemeint:


Wichtig für Anleger: Die Bafin prüfe nur, ob die Angaben im Prospekt vollständig, verständlich und kohärent sind, also ob es Widersprüche gibt – nicht geprüft werde jedoch das Geschäftsmodell, sagt Sandner. Und bis die erste deutsche Aktie auf der Blockchain landet, wird es seiner Einschätzung nach noch dauern.

Quelle: https://www.handelsblatt.com/technik/digitale-revolution/krypto-start-up-bitbond-bafin-genehmigt-erstmals-virtuelle-finanzierungsrunde/23991380.html?ticket=ST-997616-F1vOByUjvGcfOokpNmjp-ap4

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