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Central Bank of Nigeria Says ‘We Can’t Stop Bitcoin’



Klare Aussage /Erkenntnis:

Central bank cannot control or regulate bitcoin. Central bank cannot control or regulate blockchain. Just the same way no one is going to control or regulate the Internet. We don’t own it.


Absolut positives Zeichen für die Zukunft des Bitcoin,da sich diese Erkenntnis irgendwann einmal auch auf andere erstrecken wird.

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Bitcoin Price Prediction, CNBC Hopes for $3000



Bitcoin’s performance in the recent days has caught everyone’s attention. With the cryptocurrency’s price rising to an all-time high, people have started to accept that Bitcoin is indeed a unique and valuable asset, capable of making them rich. This has led to an increase in price speculations and predictions. A leading business media website, CNBC had yesterday reported an analyst predicting the digital currency’s price to reach $3000 by the end of this year.



Davies, in an interview with CNBC, said,

“In terms of [bitcoin] price this year, I think it will go up to $3000. As it becomes more pervasive and more generally accepted, I think you’ll see rapid growth in adoption. People are unsure about what is going on in the world, and digital currencies, unlike the UK pound sterling, have been hit badly because of Brexit, so people are looking to divest into bitcoin. There is an upward trend. So, the drivers will be hedging against currency fluctuations and insecurity in the markets.”



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Analyst: Expect Bitcoin Price at $3,000 By Year’s End



Bitcoin price could hit $3,000 by year’s end, having recently traded above gold and hitting a new high, according to Adam Davies, a consultant at Altus Consulting who works with financial institutions on technology. CNBC recently interviewed Davies, noting in the interest of disclosure, that he owns bitcoin.

Adam Davies

That price would mark a near 150% gain over the recent $1,204, and more than 130% over the $1,293.47 high from last week.


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Bitcoin ETF Rejection Reinforces Faith in Cryptocurrency



The failure of SEC to approve Bitcoin ETF may have proven to be more beneficial for Bitcoin than expected. The cryptocurrency has gained the faith of people, irrespective of whether they are part of the Bitcoin community or not. It will help Bitcoin further expand its community and emerge stronger than ever. Eventually, it will also influence regulatory agencies to approve the use of Bitcoin like any other currency.


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On-Site Verification May Be Required to Withdraw From Chinese Bitcoin Exchanges


New regulatory guidelines in China may require citizens to verify their identities in person to deposit or withdraw 50,000 yuan when using a Chinese bitcoin trading platform.

 The PBOC Aims to Standardize Regulatory Framework and Identity Verification Requirements for Chinese Bitcoin Exchanges


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Could This Be The End For Bitcoin Unlimited?



20 Bitcoin Exchanges have agreed to list Bitcoin Unlimited (BTU/XBU) as an altcoin, if a hard fork should occur.


In the midst of a heated discussion on the scalability and future of Bitcoin, a group of 20 Bitcoin exchanges, including major eastern and western ones, have announced that should a hard fork occur, they will list BTC (Bitcoin Core) and BTU (Bitcoin Unlimited) as two separate currencies.


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How Segwit is Bitcoin’s Blocksize Increase Solution & What Happens After



Contrary to most claims, Segregated Witness (Segwit) doesn’t necessarily require users to manually upgrade their systems or wallets in order to receive Segwit transactions.

The activation of Segwit does provide notable changes to the layer one of the bitcoin network and as a result, wallet platforms will be required to alter their applications pertaining to the changes made by Segwit to the bitcoin protocol.

For users of major bitcoin wallet platforms which already are Segwit-ready such as Blockchain, Coinbase, Copay, Ledger and Keepkey, upon the activation of Segwit, they will be able to receive Segwit-enabled transactions.




Segwit as a Blocksize Increase Solution, 4 MB Limit?

Over the past few months, bitcoin experts and developers including Lightning co-author Thaddeus Dryja have been emphasizing their discovery of Segwit as an actual block size increase for bitcoin. In Dryja’s series of tests, he discovered that Segwit is able to handle a single block of 3.7MB.

“The new software doesn’t touch non-witness blocks. The blocks are bigger. I have a script that will spam testnet and make 3.7MB blocks. It’s not a 800KB regular block with txids and output scripts, and a 2.9MB witness block with just a bunch of signatures. It’s a single block, that looks pretty much the same as old blocks with a few extra requirements, that’s 3.7MB,” wrote Dryja.

In opposition to the claims of Bitcoin Unlimited supports and developers, Segwit actually expands the bitcoin block size by 3.7x, from 1MB to 3.7MB in a safe and non-contentious manner as explained by Bitpay CEO Stephen Pair.

This is where Harding’s comment on the 4 MB limit of Segwit becomes more relevant. Harding stated that bitcoins received before the upgrade will be counted as 4 units toward the 4 million unit weight in Segwit, each byte counting toward a 1 MB limit of the original bitcoin block size.

With Segwit-enabled transactions however, the size of transactions will be reduced by 4 times, from 4 units to 1 unit counting toward a 4 MB limit. Thus, essentially, it can be said that Segwit-enabled wallets and transactions can increase the block size by up to 4 MB and on average, 3.7 MB as discovered by Dryja.

Harding wrote:

“If you spend bitcoins received before the upgrade, each witness byte will be counted as 4 units towards the 4 million unit weight in segwit, effectively each byte counting towards a 1 MB limit. If you spend bitcoins received after the upgrade, each witness byte will be counted as 1 unit towards the 4 million unit weight in segwit effectively each byte counting towards a 4 MB limit.”

Conclusively, the activation of Segwit will not lead to manual upgrades in the part of users. The vast majority of businesses, exchanges and wallet platforms are already in support of Segwit and therefore, are Segwit-ready.


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Coinbase Comes Out Against Bitcoin Exchanges’ Hard Fork Statement



Brian Armstrong, Coinbase’s CEO, publicly said he does not support the statement of around 20 bitcoin exchanges which says that in the event of a hard fork they will list the Bitcoin Core chain as BTC regardless of the longest chain or, presumably, regardless of price and other factors. Armstrong said:

“It doesn’t make sense to say BTC can only be modified by one development team. If there is overwhelming support from miners and users around any new version of the software (regardless of who wrote it), then I think that will be called Bitcoin (or BTC).”

Another exchange, Yunbi, has come out to say that they “respect the selection of the market and hash power, and will follow the longest BTC blockchain if hard fork happened.”

This creates a potential situation whereby some exchanges will list the Bitcoin Core chain as BTC while others will list the Bitcoin Unlimited chain as BTC if Bitcoin Unlimited gains the majority of hashrate, which is very likely if they do fork.

In such cases, users on both sides would be easily mislead and there would be much confusion, but one exchange which signed the statement, Shapeshift, came out to say they signed a different version. Kraken, too, came out to clarify that they may give the BTC ticker to the chain which has most support once that becomes apparent.

The likelihood of a hardfork has now considerably increased as bitcoin unlimited is headed for around 40% network share, which may periodically give it a temporary share of 50% due to variance.


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Bats Exchange to Formally Object SEC Rejection of Winklevoss Bitcoin ETF



On March 10, the SEC rejected the Winklevoss bitcoin ETF because the online exchanges that the digital currency trades on are not regulated and are vulnerable to fraud. Even though the Winklevoss twins are reported as being hopeful that the commission will come around to working with them on bringing an ETF to market, many may have thought the case was closed.

However, according to a letter posted on the SEC’s website, the Bats BZX Exchange, operated by CBOE Holdings Inc., plans on appealing the SEC’s decision to turn down the ETF.


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Mexico’s New Bill Could Be a Game Changer for Bitcoin



Mexico has recently introduced a bill which defines Bitcoin as a digital asset and sets forth rules for bitcoin exchanges.

Time Frame

BC: When is this bill expected to pass?

SC: The bill will be presented in the course of the next 2-4 weeks in the Congress of Union. I expect it to take several months for this law to pass. Nevertheless, it is very important for Bitcoin and blockchain tech companies to be prepared because, according to the draft, it will become effective from the first day it is published in the Official Journal of the Federation.


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Retail Majors in Japan Rush to Adopt Bitcoin Payments


Beginning April 2017, Bitcoin gained the legal status of currency in Japan. As the cryptocurrency revolution gathers storm in the country, the Japanese retail outlets are moving fast to capitalize on the technology and economic shift by including Bitcoin as an additional payment option.


According to a report on one of the Japanese business media outlets, two leading retail groups in the country — Bic Camera and Recruit Lifestyle have started exploring Bitcoin payment options. These players have partnered with popular cryptocurrency platforms in the region to enable the digital currency payment option for their customers.



With the recent developments, Japan is poised as one of the leading cryptocurrency markets. Eventually, one can hope for a similar trend to catch up with other countries, making Bitcoin the leading digital currency in the world.

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Ich wollte es erst nicht posten,da es mir doch sehr,sehr,sehr optimistisch erschien.Aber,was solls:

New Prediction Puts Bitcoin Price at $500,000 in 2030


If the recent predictions turn out to be true, then the cryptocurrency will experience an exponential increase in value to hit $500,000 per bitcoin in the next 13 years.

The latest among many Bitcoin prophecies was made by two individuals — Jeremy Liew and Peter Smith. Jeremy holds the distinction of being the first investor in the popular chat application, SnapChat while Peter Smith is the co-founder and CEO of a leading name in the cryptocurrency business, Blockchain. It is reported that the duo made this prediction in a presentation which they shared with the leading business news publisher — Business Insider.

(Hervorhebung durch mich)

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7 Reasons Why BTC Price is Now Climbing to $1300


BTC price is again coming within striking distance of the critical $1,300 mark, currently sitting at $1,250 at press time. 

Back on March 6, Bitcoin set the all-time closing high of $1,277 with a record-high spike of around $1,330 a few days later fueled by ETF hype before crashing more than 25% after the rejection by the Securities and Exchange Commission.

But the world’s first decentralized cryptocurrency has rallied since its March 24 low of $960 when divisive politics and heightened fears of a hard fork put downward pressure on the price. 

What’s more, the resurgence also comes at a time when Chinese exchanges have still not resumed their Bitcoin withdrawals.



7 Positive Trends Driving BTC Price

First With Litecoin coming closer to SegWit activation, many hope that the ‘silver to Bitcoin’s gold’ will become a testbed for this promising technology. This has made Litecoin price rise significantly in recent weeks while also raising hopes for SegWit activation on Bitcoin while allaying fears of a contentious hardfork.

However, this is only one positive factor in what has been a string of good news for Bitcoin in recent weeks.

First, Japanese businesses and several major retailers already seem enthusiastic about experimenting with Bitcoin payments following their legalization in the country on April 1st.


Second, Bitcoin adoption appears to be growing everywhere in the world from P2P trading to remittances to the amount of people actually using it for payments, according to a recent Cambridge University study, which noted:[T]he number of people using cryptocurrency today has seen significant growth and rivals the population of small countries.



Third, following increasing regulatory clarity from China, Russia may also be planning to ‘legalize’ Bitcoin by as early as 2018. Meanwhile, another major economy, India, is seeing major growth with people increasingly using Bitcoin as a store-of-value and for online purchases in the wake of the demonetization disaster.


Fourth, the traditional global banking system including SWIFT appears to be under constant attack from hackers, not to mention the NSA. As a rule, any weakness and uncertainty in the traditional financial spells good for a potentially better alternative that’s more secure due to its decentralized, pseudonymous natures and immutability aspect.


Fifth, major companies such as Microsoft are beginning to actually use the Bitcoin blockchain for other things besides money such as record time-stamping and document verification. This could introduce more use cases for the Bitcoin network, boosting its development, growth, and overall value as a result. 

Bitfinex Sticking Out Like a Sore Thumb


sixth Another major factor in the upward pressure on BTC price is Bitcoin exchange Bitfinex, which seems to be experiencing problems on the fiat side due to recent complications with partner banks.Therefore, it comes as no surprise that Bitcoin on Bitfinex is trading at nearly $1,330 or $80 above market price as traders seek safety. Of course, the solvency of the Bitfinex exchange is also coming increasingly under question despite official statements to the contrary.


seventh There also seem to be problems with liquidating the USDT (Tether) cryptocurrency token that replaces the USD currency on the Poloniex exchange.


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Rectification Guidelines for Chinese Bitcoin Exchanges (Full Text)


Article 6 The focus of guidance counseling

1. Not to allow fiat loaning and Bitcoin loaning;

2. Transaction fee must not be zero;

3. No engagement in money laundry.

4. No violation of the relevant regulatory requirements on foreign exchange management;

5. Not to engage in illegal payment business;

6. No more business operation beyond the scope stated on the business license;

7. Not to violate industrial and commercial advertising and other laws and regulations;

8. Not to violate laws and regulations of national securities and futures.



......5.The implementation of the anti-money laundering system

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Why US and Europe’s Regulators Plug Bitcoin, Blockchain Access to Legit Financial System



Open door

The ECB and the SEC seem to have taken a wait and see approach to Bitcoin and Blockchain.

The SEC goes on to say: “The Commission notes that bitcoin is still in the relatively early stages of its development and that, over time, regulated bitcoin-related markets of significant size may develop. Should such markets develop, the Commission could consider whether a bitcoin ETP would, based on the facts and circumstances then presented, be consistent with the requirements of the Exchange Act.”



Suddenly, Europe is Starting to Become Bitcoin Haven



Countries like France, Germany and the UK have already established regulatory frameworks for Bitcoin companies, users and traders. Other European countries have offered their unique regulatory frameworks with clarity, to ensure there exists no conflict between local businesses and regulators due to ambiguous regulations and policies like India.

Smaller countries such as Malta, an archipelago in the central Mediterranean between Sicily and the North African coast, have begun to consider Bitcoin as a legitimate currency and revolutionary technology.




Malta to become the Silicon Valley of Europe?

The rest of the government, including Labor Minister of Parliament Silvio Schembri, revealed the government’s vision to transform Malta into the Silicon Valley of Europe. The country will focus on the development of innovative technologies such as Bitcoin and Blockchain technology to stay at the forefront of European technological innovation.


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