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Restore Bitcoin core wallet.dat

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When you import what to electrum how? Nobody will be able to help you if you don't provide as much detail as possible (i.e., everything, except seeds, private keys,  passwords and the like).

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Sorry, so when i import the wallet adress to electrum via creating a new wallet and importing the old wallet adress to the new i get a watch-only mode on electrum, when i try to export the private key to view it, the selection is not available. 

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vor 17 Stunden schrieb GuardianBTC:

i am facing the same issue,

No, you are most definitely not.

Would Bitcoin still exist if some evil genius could follow your lead for a nice get-rich-quick scheme?

  1. create a new wallet
  2. import one of the well-known old Satoshi addresses
  3. and, by the press of one key in Electrum, get the private key, enabling him to spend all that loot

Not your (private!) keys, not your coins.

If you want more than a watch-only Electrum wallet, you have to import the private keys from your old wallet. That's how Bitcoin works. Satoshi's money bin has transparent walls, but they are thick and secure nonetheless.

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Let me be clear so that i dont sound like a schemer, when I try to get the Private keys with pywallet and dumprivekey command, it gives the wrong Private keys , when i try to import this private key to electrum or blockchain.com it changes the wallet address and shows zero balance.

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vor 58 Minuten schrieb GuardianBTC:

when I try to get the Private keys with pywallet and dumprivekey command, it gives the wrong Private keys

you're still being clear as mud. Where do you get the private keys from? Which file is pywallet working on here?

vor 58 Minuten schrieb GuardianBTC:

it gives the wrong Private keys , when i try to import this private key to electrum or blockchain.com it changes the wallet address

why "wrong"? where did you get the address from that now is being "changed"?

Does this mean that now you see a valid address, with a valid private key, but zero balance? That's too unlikely to be just a coincidence. This sounds like you are extracting the private keys from the wrong wallet, one that contains other addresses than those you're really after.

I am offline for the next few days, so you better describe exactly, from the beginning and step by step, what you are doing and what you think each step should achieve. Without such detail, no-one will be able to help you.

Bearbeitet von bulsan
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Let's assume you have the correct private keys. When you import those into a new Electrum wallet, you also have to tell Electrum which address type (legacy, nested-segwit or native segwit) you want to derive from your private keys.

If you import e.g. the private key KwDiBf89QgGbjEhKnhXJuH7LrciVrZi3qYjgd9M7rFU73sVHnoWn (don't use this one as it's well known, it's the WIF representation of the private key 0x0000...01 in hex format) without specifying anything special you get the legacy address 1BgGZ9tcN4rm9KBzDn7KprQz87SZ26SAMH. As I already said, if you want another address type, do this as Electrum already tells you:

WIF keys are typed in Electrum, based on script type.

A few examples:
p2pkh:KxZcY47uGp9a...       	-> 1DckmggQM...
p2wpkh-p2sh:KxZcY47uGp9a... 	-> 3NhNeZQXF...
p2wpkh:KxZcY47uGp9a...      	-> bc1q3fjfk...

Let me ask a specific question: which address type do you need or expect to get?


Am 3.6.2024 um 14:06 schrieb GuardianBTC:

@bulsan is it possible to reach out to you via email? i cannot send messages directly for some reason

Why not stay public here? A solution for your issues is also of interest for others. You can't send personal messages because your account is too new, you have newbie status and to prevent spam and scam, newbies are not allowed to send personal messages to other users. But if @bulsan chooses to contact you directly, you would be able to reply and continue the conversation.

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Am 3.6.2024 um 14:06 schrieb GuardianBTC:

@bulsan is it possible to reach out to you via email?

No. You should be happy that other people, like @Cricktor above, are willing to contribute their expertise as well. As you can see from his comment, unless you provide more detailed information, speculation is all we can offer.

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