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IRS Says Bitcoin Not Reportable On FBAR (For Now)





You Know Bitcoin Is Mainstream When Your Extortionist [ Erpresser] Requests It


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Bitcoin’s volume-weighted price on the Bitstamp exchange fell 0.5% over the past week, to $596 yesterday.


Monday, June 30, 2014

The Australian Tax Office delayed a keenly awaited ruling on Bitcoin, leaving the tax status for businesses which accept Bitcoin in limbo. As a result, businesses in Australia which accept bitcoin have to do business without knowing what tax they may be liable for in the future, and may face large backdated tax bills for their digital currency transactions. [ABC]


For those interested in bitcoin as an asset, the U.S. Marshal Service's auction was an opportunity to acquire large, fully-fungible blocks of bitcoin. “They’re washing these bitcoin clean, with the seal of approval of the US federal government” said Jeremy Allaire, CEO of Circle. [WSJ]


New Zealand's first two bitcoin ATMs have been unveiled. [NZ Herald]


Opinion: With bitcoin, companies could see a significant reduction in transaction fees and, as a result, a big boost to their bottom line. [TechCrunch]


Sunday, June 29, 2014

The USMS auction of nearly 30,000 bitcoin did not cause panic selling on the market. [Yahoo]


Greg Brockman, CTO of payment solutions provider Stripe, has said that rather than replacing the existing financial infrastructure, Bitcoin holds promise as a unifying technology capable of bringing past and present together. [Coin Desk]


Opinion: It's easy to forget that the entire payments industry is undergoing substantial and profound changes. [WSJ]


Saturday, June 28, 2014

Like the Internet before it, Bitcoin has passed through the shady phase, and legitimate uses are becoming increasingly common. [Washington Times]


Google Finance has a fully-functional BTC to USD price chart. [Google]


Opinion: Bitcoin has the potential to disrupt large sectors of the financial, banking, e-commerce, and securities markets in ways that could create wealth in excess of $1 trillion. [barrons]


Friday, June 27, 2014

Bitcoin’s army of mostly volunteer computer developers represents the largest R&D community in the world, possibly numbering 10,000 of the smartest people on the planet. [WSJ]


Project Skyhook just shipped their 150th $999 bitcoin ATM, with a goal of selling 1,000 units this year. [PSH]


Virtual currencies are financial innovations that pose challenges to federal financial regulatory and law enforcement agencies. [GAO.gov]


Opinion: Why Bolivia really banned bitcoin. [CoinReport]


Video: The U.S. to auction $17.4M cache of bitcoins. [bloomberg]


Q&A: MtGox's Mark Karpeles on what went wrong. [WSJ]


Thursday, June 26, 2014

The U.S. Marshal Service's auction of seized bitcoins will take place tomorrow, with bidders from Silicon Valley and Wall Street participating. Pantera Capital is set to participate. [bloomberg]


California Governor Jerry Brown is considering signing a law that would legalize alternative currencies, including bitcoin, Amazon Coins, and Starbuck Stars. [bizjournal]


In the U.S., bitcoin payment processors generally find merchants want them to immediately convert their bitcoins into dollars. In Argentina, the exact opposite occurs. Firms such as San Francisco-based BitPagos will take the dollars received by tourism industry clients in Buenos Aires and deliver them bitcoins in return. [WSJ]


Opinion: The Bitcoin economy's backbone is BitStamp. [Forbes]


Video: Western Union CEO discusses the future of Bitcoin. [bloomberg]


Wednesday, June 25, 2014

A seminar offered by The State Bar of California will assist participants in their understanding of the origin, growth, and basic terminology of virtual currencies. The Treasury Department’s position will be covered, as well as the expected ramifications of virtual currencies. [Calibar]


Thanks to the sustained arms race in the mining industry, the halving event, which cuts in half the number of coins earned per block solved by miners (currently 25 BTC) - is 103 days ahead of schedule.[imgur]


Opinion: Companies which broaden their focus and begin experimenting with potentially transformative technologies like Bitcoin could lead to early-adopter advantages for their business strategies. [WSJ]


Opinion: Words such as “blockchain” and “mining” are as alien to us now as “browser” or “website” were 20 years ago; but, in a few years everyone will be using these terms. [Virgin]


Video: Jerry Seinfeld thinks Bitcoin is trendy. [Wired]


Tuesday, June 24, 2014

California lawmakers on Monday approved a measure making it easier to use alternative currencies, including bitcoin. The bill repeals an outdated law prohibiting commerce using anything but U.S. currency. [Reuters]


Yet another Bitcoin miner manufacturer, CoinTerra, now faces legal action for not fulfilling an order when it originally promised to. The company promised to deliver a miner that would operate at two terahashes per second and would consume 1,200 watts of power. It did neither. [ARSTechnica]


According to a new report by Juniper Research, digital payment transactions are set to reach $4.7 trillion by 2019. A forecast significantly higher than 2014′s $2.5 trillion in payments. [CC]


Despite an explosion in media coverage, Bitcoin is still widely misunderstood. The focus on bitcoin as a volatile and even renegade currency may be distracting governments and businesses from addressing its potential long-term significance as a disruptive new money. [WSJ]


Opinion: The beauty of Bitcoin is its complexity. [Economist]

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Kuwait finance firm suggests trading oil in bitcoins




Why the US Government Has Signaled that they Accept Bitcoin -

See more at: http://www.panture.com/why-the-us-government-has-signaled-that-they-accept-bitcoin/#sthash.9s1VCKEY.dpuf

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ÖL nun in BTC -> statt USD ?


heiliger bim bam...

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Immigrants From Latin America and Africa Squeezed as Banks Curtail International Money Transfers



Hochinteressanter Artikel !


diese Reaktionen der Banken auf die Bankenregulation in Amerika spielt BTC in die Hände.

Bullish !


Authorities help us. Each of the error, idiotic laws or failure of the banking system strengthens the Network.


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A Wary State Gives Bitcoin and Other Virtual Currencies a Boost




Focus: Lawyers excited about bitcoin opportunities



Duhaime says she’s excited by the possibilities presented by widespread bitcoin use, noting that the complicated logging system makes fraudulent transactions virtually impossible to complete. In addition, she says it could open up the world of financial services to entirely new populations.

“I’m thinking about the large population in Africa without a bank account and refugee camps where you might have cellphones but no banking services. Bitcoin has the potential to deliver financial services to them,” she says.






Wsj: Bitcoin Trading Platform Atlas Partners With National Stock Ex



New York-based bitcoin trading platform Atlas ATS is partnering with a small U.S. stock exchange to expedite a regulatory approval process that has stymied the development of digital-currency exchanges in the U.S.

Under an agreement to be announced Wednesday, the National Stock Exchange, which is owned by the CBOE Holdings, CBOE +1.33% Inc. and is recognized by the Securities and Exchange Commission as a self-regulatory organization, or SRO, will write and enforce the rules governing how Atlas's exchange functions.

Once the two parties have agreed to those rules and surveillance procedures, Atlas will become the first bitcoin marketplace to be regulated by a "quasi-government entity," Atlas Chief Executive Officer Shawn Solves said.


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Bitcoin exchange @itBit announces it is relocating from Singapore to New York;



Kyrgyzstan bitcoin experiment promises migrant workers big savings

Tech-enthusiast Emanuele Costa believes the digital currency could transform Kyrgyzstan’s remittances, which make up a third of the country's economy.



Sie haben schon dort eine ATM und sie wird bereits benutzt!

In Kyrgyzstan !!!



Next Bitcoin Core Version to Include ‘Smarter’ Transaction Fees



the updated code will enable “smarter” fees that account for the length of time it takes to confirm transactions on the bitcoin network. Ultimately, the new code will determine transaction priority, making sure that transactions confirm more efficiently.




New Zealand central banker: Bitcoin can replace cash in future



By indicating that Bitcoin can replace cash in the future, his comments are arguably the most pro-Bitcoin by any financial authority discussing the topic. While other authorities have expressed favorable views, and authorities from Isle of Man even went as far as to declare their intent to “provide an environment for high-quality businesses in this rapidly emerging field”, none have explicitly suggested that Bitcoin will take over.




Anticipating regulation and greater opportunity, itBit moving to New York


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