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Is Facebook thinking about accepting Bitcoin?




Aber... ich sage gleich dazu: Das ist reine Spekulation und ich persönlich glaube es nicht. Weils zum Kontext passt ein aktueller Artikel auf Deutsch:


Facebook will einem Zeitungsbericht zufolge Geldüberweisungen zwischen seinen Mitgliedern ermöglichen. Das Internetunternehmen stehe kurz vor dem Erhalt einer entsprechenden Lizenz in Irland, schrieb die "Financial Times" am Montag. Sie berief sich auf mehrere an dem Vorgang beteiligte Personen.

Mit der Zulassung durch die irische Notenbank dürfte das Online-Netzwerk in der Europäischen Union eigenes elektronisches Geld ausgeben. Das Unternehmen wolle so Zahlungen zwischen seinen Mitgliedern ermöglichen. 




Es würde mich aber trotzdem eigentlich nicht wundern, wenn irgendwann irgendein Gigant wie etwa Google oder Facebook, auch Bitcoin integrieren würde... 

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What Does the Future Hold for the Price of Bitcoin?






Chinese Bitcoin Exchanges OKCoin and BTC China Planning Bitcoin ATMs – newsBTC


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Since our table shows price performance for the most recent week, it doesn’t reflect today’s 12% appreciation in bitcoin prices, which some observers believe was a reaction to yesterday’s report in The Financial Times that Facebook was exploring an electronic mobile money service that would allow users to exchange units of monetary value. [FT] Bitcoins can already be sent through Facebook. [blockchain.info]


"Heartbleed" Did Not Attack the Bitcoin Protocol

Although several Bitcoin exchanges halted withdrawals on March 8th, when Heartbleed was discovered, most quickly resumed normal operations and no coins have been reported stolen. The Bitcoin core development team implemented changes to Bitcoin’s wallet software within 48 hours in order to preempt any potential vulnerability.


People have been concerned about the security of everything digital, with almost weekly reports of hackers accessing personal and financial information. Bitcoin has been tarred with the same brush, with widespread, almost gleeful, reports of hackers stealing bitcoins and the unfortunate demise of many Bitcoin exchanges, most notably MtGox. Yet, in every instance where Bitcoins have been stolen, the fault has been either the internet or internal controls – the Bitcoin protocol itself has never been hacked.


The recent Heartbleed vulnerability was found to affect upwards of 60% of internet traffic. Heartbleed was an undiscovered flaw in OpenSSL, the open source cryptographic library and transport layer security system, which allowed potential attackers to capture system-compromising information. The software defect (not a virus) allowed anyone on the internet to read the memory of the systems protected by the vulnerable versions of OpenSSL software. This compromised the secret keys used to identify service providers and to encrypt traffic, the names and passwords of users, and the actual content. As a consequence, this allowed attackers to eavesdrop on communications, steal data from services and users, and to impersonate services and users. Heartbleed demonstrated that systems which often appear secure are often woefully inadequate. Indeed, many of the internet’s problems have been because old code was used or because it was open source, with some coders less rigorous about security than others.


Now that internet and data security is increasingly in the public eye, Bitcoin's core security functions – SHA256 (the means of securing the blockchain) and ECDSA (the means of generating private-public key pairs) – may in turn receive additional scrutiny. Yet, despite the best efforts of academics, "black hatters", and the like, SHA-256 and ECDSA have stood the test of time. SHA-256 was created in 2001, and no flaw has ever been found in its structure, and the mathematical community has not made any major progress in creating algorithms to break ECDSA since it was introduced in 1985. [CloudFlare]


Beyond the core protocol, most legitimate Bitcoin service providers use additional security layers. An example of this, in layman’s terms, would be the two-factor authentication Bitcoin exchanges utilize for access to funds. If a hacker were able to steal a password through the Heartbleed vulnerability, they would still need access to a secondary piece of information to access a private account. Services often send a user a text message with a temporary secret code to access an account – further insulating users from weaknesses inherent to internet-based protocols.


In sum, Bitcoin’s core algorithms are the gold-standard in encryption – to the point where CloudFlare, which provides performance and security for hundreds of thousands of websites, is looking to implement ECDSA in its verification services.

Tuesday, April 8th, 2014

Congressman Steve Stockman (R-TX) has put forward the first piece of legislation in Congress or any other legislative body that addresses Bitcoin specifically. His bill seeks to change the IRS’ tax guidance and have the IRS treat Bitcoin like a currency, not like property. [Forbes]


U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder told a House Committee this morning that the Justice Department was investigating ways that bitcoins could be used to launder money. Mr. Holder said that the Department was “committed to innovating alongside this new technology in order to ensure our investigations are not impeded by any improvement in criminals' ability to move funds anonymously." [CNN]


The Economist looks into Bitcoin security and discusses the aspects that make public-key cryptography so powerful, if handled correctly. [The Economist]


Opinion: Why VC investment in the Bitcoin ecosystem is actually on the rise in a post-Gox world. [business Insider]


The Inside Bitcoins conference is underway in New York City. Jeremy Allaire, CEO of Circle Internet Financial, and Nic Cary, CEO of Blockchain.info, are giving keynote addresses. [WSJ BitBeat]


Wednesday, April 9th, 2014

Some Bitcoin companies have launched lobbying initiatives in Washington D.C., mostly focusing on informational meetings to educate regulators and lawmakers about Bitcoin and the role they see for it in the future. [CNN Money]


Two professors from New York University are offering a class on Bitcoin next fall. The subject matter will range from Bitcoin trading activity to the implications of Bitcoin for orthodox monetary policy. [Wall Street Journal]


The Bitcoin industry has become an important sector within the wider world of data centers, as was highlighted by the preponderance of mining hardware companies at the recent Inside Bitcoin conference this week. [Data Center Knowledge]


Opinion: “Why you should care about Bitcoin: digital currency is here to stay.” [The Guardian]


Video: Robocoin installed a Bitcoin ATM in a House office building on Capitol Hill yesterday, and Congressman Jared Polis (R-CO) bought $10 worth of bitcoins with it. [National Journal]


Thursday, April 10th, 2014

Bitcoin fell below $400 for the first time in five months. Bitcoin’s drop has been far less significant than the fall in comparable altcoins. [iBTimes]


HeartBleed – a security flaw in an Internet protocol used to secure sensitive information transfer –did not explicitly affect Bitcoin's blockchain operations. However, a core protocol update to preempt the issue was rapidly published by Bitcoin's core development team. Exchanges which had paused operations due to the problem have now resumed normal operations. [CoinReport]


Adam Back, the creator of HashCash, writes that Bitcoin 2.0 would keep any altcoin’s desirable new features inside the Bitcoin network through the use of sidechains, Bitcoin’s first killer app. [CCN]


There is an emerging market of online shoppers in Nigeria. Many Nigerian entrepreneurs and investors see promise in this market. [bitscan]


Video – Bitcoin is beyond a currency. [bloomberg]


Friday, April 11th, 2014

People’s Bank of China Governor Zhou Xiaochuan is on record saying that there is no Bitcoin ban. [Finance.China]


Bitcoin’s core development team is increasingly interested in the potential of side chains. [Coindesk]


A group of investors is seeking to buy bankrupt bitcoin exchange MtGox for a token payment of one bitcoin. The group justifies the near-zero price citing an “information vacuum” over the exchange’s missing bitcoin reserves. [business Insider]


Opinion - For merchants and customers alike, Bitcoin is the light at the end of the tunnel. [DI]


Saturday, April 12, 2014

Bitcoin prices bounced back after the China-induced sell off last week, which saw prices drop briefly below $400. [re/code]


Wladimir van der Laan, Bitcoin's new lead developer, has the following four priorities: splitting off the Bitcoin-QT wallet from the P2P core code (reducing the risk of someone stealing the private key to your wallet), a deterministic wallet (which would enable a single backup to recover all keys at any later point in time), faster initial block download (improve speed), and improved developer documentation. [bitcoin Foundation] [Coin Desk]


Chinese Bitcoin exchanges are preparing to move overseas. [Reuters]


As Bitcoin prices have fallen in recent months, mining is becoming less profitable and increasingly only feasible for large companies and pools. Bloomberg reports that Bitcoin miners made $14.9 million in revenue last week compared with $25 million on average per week in December. [bloomberg]


Video: the Atlantic Council explores the political, legal, and economic impacts of Bitcoin in a recent panel discussion featuring Bitcoin miners, cyber security experts, and academics. [Atlantic Council]


Sunday, April 13, 2014

It's getting easier for consumers to buy and spend bitcoins. With each passing month, entrepreneurs are rolling out new technology for consumers to buy and store bitcoins, shop online with the virtual currency, and send it to friends. [Phys.org]


Regulation is a persistently hot topic in the cryptocurrency world, with a growing number in favor of government getting involved to further legitimize Bitcoin. [Coin Desk]


Opinion - Sidechains can completely revolutionize how Bitcoin functions as well as eliminate the myriad of alt-coins that pop-up every day. [Panture]


Interview – Renowned Venture Capitalist Fred Wilson says, “With Bitcoin and the blockchain, I found something that got me excited again.” [bI]

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Bitcoin Shop Announces Opening of New Corporate Headquarters



SILVER SPRING, MD, Apr 14, 2014 (Marketwired via COMTEX) -- Bitcoin Shop, Inc. (otcqb:BTCS) (the "Company"), the virtual currency ecommerce marketplace www.bitcoinshop.us , today announced the opening of new corporate headquarters where it will continue to manage its information technology, research and development, regulatory and financial controls.

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How I paid my Bitcoin taxes




Unter dem eigentlich Artikel gibt's übrigens noch 21 Dinge die die Autorin durch eine Woche leben von Bitcoin über ihn gelernt hat. Jeder Tag kann einzeln angesehen und die Erlebnisse im täglichen Umgang mit Bitcoin nachgelesen werden.

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Mt. Gox Files for Liquidation Defunct Bitcoin Exchange Gives Up On Plan to Rebuild




Tim Draper “Bitcoin smartest tech Investment”


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Venture Capitalist: Bitcoin is just like the Internet



FRED WILSON Q&A: The Legendary Investor Talks Retirement, Tumblr's Exit, And Getting Over A Tough Year


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Potential Mt. Gox Buyer: Exchange Has Important Role in Bitcoin’s Future




“Mt Gox is a Toxic Brand” - Pantelis Roussakis, Australian BTC Association VP Interview - See more at: http://cointelegraph.com/post/mt_gox_is_a_toxic_brand_pantelis_roussakis_australian_btc_association_vp_interview#.U0621meKAUR

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SecondMarket Launches The Highly Anticipated Bitcoin Exchange




SecondMarket Launches First Fully Regulated American Bitcoin Exchange





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SoftTech’s Jeff Clavier: Why I’m not investing in bitcoin



Special Reports: Bitcoin

Could bitcoin ever overtake the dollar?



Eine interessante Artikelserie



Former US Consumer Finance Watchdog Voices Support for Bitcoin


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Ron Paul: Bitcoin is not ‘True Money’


US Congressman Ron Paul does not believe bitcoin is ‘true money,’ but he is still a big fan of the concept.

Ron Paul is one of the most prominent libertarians in US politics. Much of the libertarian movement is in favour of digital currencies, either through active support and endorsement, or by advocating no government interference and Regulation


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