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vor 4 Minuten schrieb thomasloibl140887:

Hallo die Zahlung ist im Status Complete die Email habe ich auch bestätigt. Natürlich habe ich empfangsadresse von den light wallet kopiert und eingefügt, seed habe ich mir auch aufgeschrieben nur die 100 iota's sind nicht auf meinen wallet. Kann es sein dass ich eìnen anderen server genommen habe. Bin leider noch ein Anfänger:wacko:


Siehst Du im Light Wallet unter Verlauf eine Zahlung?

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vor 25 Minuten schrieb thomasloibl140887:

Hallo die Zahlung ist im Status Complete die Email habe ich auch bestätigt. Natürlich habe ich empfangsadresse von den light wallet kopiert und eingefügt, seed habe ich mir auch aufgeschrieben nur die 100 iota's sind nicht auf meinen wallet. Kann es sein dass ich eìnen anderen server genommen habe. Bin leider noch ein Anfänger:wacko:


Probier' doch mal hier ob Du etwas Klarheit bekommst...
Kopier die Adress aus der light wallet in das Feld und dann <Enter>

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Haarlem municipality develops ‘IOTA-Blockchain’ solution for administering legal documents.

Commissioned by the municipality of Haarlem, ICTU and Xurux developed a Proof of Concept to verify legal documents within public registers via the open source ‘IOTA-Blockchain’

The Xurux and ICTU developed software guarantees the authenticity of legal documents through the open source ‘Blockchain’. In the specific case a citizen can demonstrate to the housing corporation that he or she is an inhabitant of the city of Haarlem by means of Blockchain. The Citizen no longer needs to visit the town hall to receive an official extract.

According to Bas de Boer, innovation manager of the municipality of Haarlem and initiator of the project, the Proof of Concept shows that blockchain or the so called mutual distributed ledger technologies can be implemented in short term. “By figure of speech, the application could be deployed tomorrow. It enhances the technology and its adaptation in the public domain, improving society as a whole.”

Choosing IOTA means that some drawbacks of the Bitcoin blockchain are resolved, such as high energy consumption, transaction costs and relatively slow transaction speed.

The software is released as open source software free for use by governmental and municipal organizations working with public register extracts. The intention is to bring the application in production in 2018. The benefit for the municipality of Haarlem would be 2 FTE that would become available for alternative assignments.

Note: IOTA uses the Tangle, a directed acyclic graph (DAG) for storing transactions and is strictly speaking not a blockchain. Mutual Distributed Ledger would be the correct term.

Xurux is a firm located in Baarn, Netherlands specialized in blockchain – MDL technology.

Bearbeitet von Niuran78
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vor 16 Minuten schrieb Niuran78:

Haarlem municipality develops ‘IOTA-Blockchain’ solution for administering legal documents.

Commissioned by the municipality of Haarlem, ICTU and Xurux developed a Proof of Concept to verify legal documents within public registers via the open source ‘IOTA-Blockchain’

The Xurux and ICTU developed software guarantees the authenticity of legal documents through the open source ‘Blockchain’. In the specific case a citizen can demonstrate to the housing corporation that he or she is an inhabitant of the city of Haarlem by means of Blockchain. The Citizen no longer needs to visit the town hall to receive an official extract.

According to Bas de Boer, innovation manager of the municipality of Haarlem and initiator of the project, the Proof of Concept shows that blockchain or the so called mutual distributed ledger technologies can be implemented in short term. “By figure of speech, the application could be deployed tomorrow. It enhances the technology and its adaptation in the public domain, improving society as a whole.”

Choosing IOTA means that some drawbacks of the Bitcoin blockchain are resolved, such as high energy consumption, transaction costs and relatively slow transaction speed.

The software is released as open source software free for use by governmental and municipal organizations working with public register extracts. The intention is to bring the application in production in 2018. The benefit for the municipality of Haarlem would be 2 FTE that would become available for alternative assignments.

Note: IOTA uses the Tangle, a directed acyclic graph (DAG) for storing transactions and is strictly speaking not a blockchain. Mutual Distributed Ledger would be the correct term.

Xurux is a firm located in Baarn, Netherlands specialized in blockchain – MDL technology.

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vor 28 Minuten schrieb Babolero:

Kann mir jemand sagen wo diese IOTA hin sind? Auf der Android Wallet sind sie nicht mehr. Auf Finex auch nicht...



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vor 8 Minuten schrieb tricklezinc:

Hey Leute,

ich hab mir auf Bitfinex Iotas zugelegt.

Nur hat mein Studentenbudget nicht für 64Miotas gereicht, welcher der Mindestbetrag für den Withdraw ist.

Wie beomme ich meine Iotas trotzdem ins Wallet?

Schon blöd bei steigenden Kursen auf 64Miotas zu kommen!


Lass sie ruhig auf Finex erstmal.
Sobald die Kurse steigen, wird auch das Limit gemindert, dann kannste sie abziehen.


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